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Hardware Engineer - Career Queries

A Computer Hardware Engineer is someone who researches, designs, develops, and tests computer equipment such as chips, circuit boards, or routers. They research, design, develop, and test computer or computer-related equipment for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use. They also supervise the manufacturing and installation of computer or computer-related equipment and components.

Dear Sir/Madam,Greeting's for the day!!!Career in Hardware and Networking:Computer Hardware is the combination of different physical parts of a computer. Networking involves linking a group of two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. The professionals associated with the discipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer networks are known as hardware and networking engineers. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of Indian and Foreign IT majors in the country has created a l

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Computer Hardware is a combination of different physical parts of a computer. [Networking involves linking a group of][1] two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. The professionals associated with the discipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer network are known as hardware and networking engineers. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of indian and foreign IT majors in the country has created a lot of scope for youth in this sector.Course

Hardware and networking involve a logical interconnection of various computer parts and systems. The interconnection can be on a small scale or on a large scale depending upon the requirement. A small scale interconnection can be connecting computers with scanners, printers, routers, and modems etc. On large scale, it can be the interconnection of a very large set of computer machines with each other and with the database cum servers. Hardware and networking professional is required to maintain the logical and swift connection of various systems with each other. He is responsible for ensuring

Hello Sir, Madam. I am Adnan Ansari. I am Study by Arts. 11th or 12th passed. So I asked you that can I do Hardware and Networking Course. So please inform me that we can do the course

Hardware and networking involve a logical interconnection of various computer parts and systems. The interconnection can be on a small scale or on a large scale depending upon the requirement. A small scale interconnection can be connecting computers with scanners, printers, routers, and modems etc. On large scale, it can be the interconnection of a very large set of computer machines with each other and with the database cum servers. Hardware and networking professional is required to maintain the logical and swift connection of various systems with each other. He is responsible for ensuring

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Hello There,  Before I could answer your query, I wish you had clearly mentioned which stream and whether you have Math as a subject. If yes, then you could opt for either a B.Sc IT or a BCA course. Never the less, NIIT has a lot of diploma and certificate courses related to networking and IT. Wish you good luck...

I'm a graduate from Osmania university Completed my college from VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Arts and Sciences. Sir. Done some certification course  Redhat certified system administrator and certified engineer. and completed training in ccna , searching for jobs in IT Core filed and getting calls for core filed jobs and attending the interview and companys are keeping my position on hold for me and my friends are getting offer letter some of them are btech do (computers) students can work in this fileds sir i will wait for your reply sir or calls

Hello Sir, Madam. I am Adnan Ansari. I am Study by Arts. 11th or 12th passed. So I asked you that can I do Hardware and Networking Course. So please inform me that we can do the course

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Computer Hardware is a combination of different physical parts of a computer. [Networking involves linking a group of][1] two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. The professionals associated with the discipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer network are known as hardware and networking engineers. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of indian and foreign IT majors in the country has created a lot of scope for youth in this sector.Course

Dear Sir/Madam,Greeting's for the day!!!Career in Hardware and Networking:Computer Hardware is the combination of different physical parts of a computer. Networking involves linking a group of two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. The professionals associated with the discipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer networks are known as hardware and networking engineers. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of Indian and Foreign IT majors in the country has created a l