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Journalist - Career Queries

Hello There, As such I would not be in a position to tell you the salary of a newspaper or a Mass-media professional. Only thing I can tell you as a counselor is that the media field initially entails a lot of struggle. Student are made to work as interns whereby they are paid just the travelling expenses even after they Graduate. Hence advisable is that while pursuing Graduation, a student must opt for internship. So by the time they Graduate, they have good job experience and can focus on a paid job. Also necessary is maintaining contacts with all kinds of people from all fields. Who may be

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Delhi University, Delhi   

Hi, After 12th you can pursue the Bachelors in Mass Communication and Journalism. There is an option to pursue Diploma Courses but the Bachelor will be the most comprehensive and right course if you have decided to be the part of Mass-media and Communication Career Field. Once you complete your Undergraduate degree, you may go for Masters for to get command over and achieve expertise in this field.     As we find colleges for other career fields with greater number, we have less numbers to choose from when it comes to Mass-communication courses and colleges. But still we have ample

Hi There, Please note there are lots of career opportunities after 12th Science. But it completely depends on your line of interest and in combination with the subjects you like and have opted for in class 12th. As such you can opt for Mass Media also after 12th. You would have to clear an entrance exam which would test your skills related to logic and writing and expressing oneself. You can choose any specialization from Journalism, Advertisement or PR. But please note choosing mass media would mean shifting from the science stream. For a career in mass media apart from qualifications, one ne