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Hello, If you aspire to make career in the Civil Services you can go for it. But you can also make career in something different. The Lectureship would be the best career option as the lecturer gets A grade salary like civil services and other benefits too. The UGC NET Exam is conducted for this every year in June and December month.You must check out the UGC NET Question Papers before deciding the career path.You need to complete masters with 55 % marks and if reserved or female candidate need only 50 % marks in the exam.You can become a lecturer in Commerce or management very easily and earn
Hello Mohit.. Being an IAS aspirant, it will be good fr you to pursue your BA in social science and then prepare for civil service. It is better than BA in spanish eventhough it is from JNU.
BSc agriculture one of the demanding course of the time. You can find a lot of job opportunities after bachelors and post graduation course in agriculture like Agricultural inspectors, Agricultural Officers, Food quality inspectors, Agriculture or Horticulture Development officers etc. Leading institute for agriculture courses are Tamil nadu agriculture university, Bundelkhand university, lovely Professional University etc. You can get good placement opportunities from these institutes as they are conducting placement drives every year.
Hello Ashish.. You can apply for Diploma courses in your interesting field and based on your graduation subject. Some of the field for doing diploma courses are Engineering, Pharmacy, Medical Lab Technology, Creative Arts like Music, drawing, Graphic Designing, Dancing, Film Production, Fashion Designing, Hotel management, Library science etc. It will help you to find a job easily. You may can go for further studies later based on your diploma course. Institutes like Lovely Professional University, Amity university, Manipal university, JMI, etc are offering diploma courses and also providing g
Dear Aspirant, If you are keen on Public Administrative Services like IAS, IFS, IRS, etc. you should dream about it or may be have one dream. Dreaming about IIT, IAS together is good, but for implementation and studies it is very difficult. There are many cases of students who are IIT graduates and who also managed to get into IAS, but that was due to sheer hard work, time management, passion, perseverance, dedication and consistency. If you are aiming for IAS only, then you need not be an IIT graduate. A normal Arts graduate also can manage to clear IAS, therefore, I would suggest that y
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Teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
PCO, Client Servicing & IT Professional, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Strategist, Engineer
Educational And Vocational Career Guide
career counselor , industrial and rehabilitation psychologist
Chief Mentor at Waymark Learning Solutions LLP
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