
Stuti Kanade

Hi, I'm Prabhakaraan and I'm pursuing my final year BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in MECHANICAL department, my situations and conditions put me into engineering, but I have a big craze and passion over 3D animation and visual effects... but, I'm afraid that If

Hi, I'm Prabhakaraan and I'm pursuing my final year BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in MECHANICAL department, my situations and conditions put me into engineering, but I have a big craze and passion over 3D animation and visual effects... but, I'm afraid that If I pick ANIMATION field to proceed my career, my 4 years of B.E Mechanical will get wasted and so I have a big question mark as WHAT TO DO NEXT? Though, I'm an Mechanical student, I don't have much interest in proceeding my career as a industrial worker because there is no much opportunity available to prove our creativity and imagining ability.It's my life and I want to live with what I choose in a better way... Therefore, my queries are, 1.Is it better to enter into ANIMATION field after spending my 4 years in Mechanical Engineering..??? 2.Is it good,to swap my career from engineering to animation??? 3.Is there jobs available in Animation field in INDIA..??? Please do reply with your valuable answers...

by Stuti Kanade
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1 answer

RE: Hi, I'm Prabhakaraan and I'm pursuing my final year BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in MECHANICAL department, my situations and conditions put me into engineering, but I have a big craze and passion over 3D animation and visual effects... but, I'm afraid that If

Aaloka Anant
Aaloka Anant
Verified Career Expert
MBA, IIM Bangalore
  • Citywest

Hi Prabhakar,
In case of Engineering students, we live with the fate of majority of Engineers ending up in IT jobs, where they are not utilizing their core engineering studies. So you would not be exception, if you choose animation field for your future.

1. Animation being your passion, you must enter the field, because all studies indicate that the person excels best in the field, he loves the work.
2. Yes. Take other factors, like placements in college, your financial position, other liabilities etc. into consideration and make a right decision. On a plain case, the straight answer is yes. And you can change anytime in your career to animation if you really love the work.
3. You can check with any job site on the available jobs. Also when you would join an institute for animation courses, you would get more information on the job scenario. With movies like Ra-One, Robot etc. coming in and many AD agencies entering India, there must be increase in jobs for animation with every passing day.

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