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Dear friend, thank you for your question, here you have not mentioned your academic background or qualifications and what you are doing at present. But from your question, it seems that you must have studies subject geography.
The geography is the science of earth. geographers are the scientist, who describe and study about the physical details of the environment, its effect on humans, wild life, weather and climate, economics and the culture. There are many different branches in geography such as , physical geography, human geography, environmental geography, social geography, cultural geography, economic geography, and many more. The geography as a career provides multiple job options. With the increased use of satellite technology and Geographical Information system, geography is becoming more promising career options than it was ever before.
The salary and progression in the career of a geographer depends upon many factors. 1. Academic Qualifications2. Number of years of relevant experience3. Place of work (government sector or private sector) 4. Additional qualificationsThe academic qualification is very important. If the person is holding a Post graduate degree in geography, he is a geographer but the chances of progress in career will be less compared to a person who is holding a doctoral degree (PhD) in Geography.The number of years of relevant experience is also very important, because the experienced persons are preferred over the freshers. The place of work, whether it is a governmental sector (school, colleges, universities ir research institutes) or a private sector. The entry level in school is teacher, who will progress in career as per the rules but he or she can maximum become the principal or Head Master or Education Officer. In case of colleges and universities the entry level is lecturer, assistant professor, Additional qualification; Along with academic qualifications, to progress in career, in governmental sector many additional qualities are also needed. The progress in career depends upon many factors, such as number of MSc and PhD student guided. Number of research papers, review articles, book chapters published. Number of books edited or published by noted publishers. Numbers of research projects supervised as principal investigator, number international and national conferences, workshops, symposium and training programs organized, attended, participated. The number of faculty development programs organized. To progress in career hard work and dedication is required. You just concentrate on your education or job (if you are doing), you will progress as per your qualifications, performance and experience.Good Luck..
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Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Ms.Deepali is a graduate from Delhi university. She excels in providing personal guidance at the critical stages of making choices for education at any level be it Grade 10th or Post Graduate Level.she had over 12 year of experience in the field of education and counselling. she had worked with education UK, British council India and Canadian education center India.currently she is a director of NovaEdu ,advising students on education and career in India and abroad.
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