Rohit Dubey

How is electronics and communication engineering different from Computer science engineering?

by Rohit Dubey
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RE: How is electronics and communication engineering different from Computer science engineering?

Surabhi Dewra
Surabhi Dewra
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  • New Delhi

In the engineering sector in India, there are two major streams that are widely famous among each and every candidate, due to some various reasons including the number of people applying for these two streams every year as well as, the knowledge these streams provide and their demand in the industry. These two fields are Computer science engineering (CSE) and Electronics and Communication engineering (ECE). Both of the streams are known for their vast exposure that is provided in the modern industry as well as their demand in the industry. Although both of these fields have their own prospects and approaches, the demand of both the streams in their professional industry is very high and also there is infinite scope of both the engineering in India.

Computer Science Engineering

Now moving to the major difference, the Computer Science Engineering or also known as CSE, is the branch of the Engineering and technology that deals with design principles of Software, Applications both Mobile and Computer based, and better solutions that can be either way related to computation and algorithmic approach. The main principle in this disciple is to study all the existing and upcoming trends in the technology in order to provide better solutions in order to provide and create better systems. The core skills that are involved in this stream are as follow as:

  • Software Design
  • Software Testing
  • Software Management
  • Solutions creation
  • Computer Programming
  • Algorithm Development
  • Algorithm Design
  • Data structures
  • Theory of Computation
  • Automation Process and Automata
  • Machine Theory

These are some of the major and core subjects that are considered in the Computer science Engineering and the whole disciple is based on these principles. The main agenda behind computer science engineering is to create better and more development oriented professionals that can work in the software industry and IT department and can work on adaptive technologies in order to create more viable solutions to each and every computable problem. The field of computer science engineering is divided in such a way that practical concepts can be taken properly with a better and more heuristic approach in order to make decisive answers with the consumption of less computational power or the other resources. Hence making the more software oriented roles for a computer science engineering. The demand of a computer science engineer is very high and there is a number of opening that provides very much adaptable growth rate in the sector too.

Electronics and Communication Engineering

On considering the prospects of the Electronics and Communication Engineering or better called as ECE, is the branch of the engineering and technology that deals with the design and research of communication networks, hardware speculations and device managements in order to provide better services and the solutions to the people desired to receive the services and uses the electronics items. The Electronics and Communication engineering professionals mostly work in the field of hardware or the communication management sector and serve as the service oriented people that can be able to manage all the devices and all the necessary items that are involved in the system. The core skills that are required in the Electronics and Communication Engineering are mostly as follow as:

  • Circuits and Networks Theory
  • Electronic devices
  • Circuits theory
  • Electromagnetic theory
  • Network Analysis
  • Signals and systems
  • Control Systems
  • Communication networks
  • Mobile and Wireless Communications
  • Digital Signals programing
  • Embedded Systems
  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • VSDL

These are the few set of skills that are based on the foundation for the design the course structure of the electronics and communication engineering. These skills are taken as the main ideas and principles that need to be taken in disciple in order to make the course up to industry demands and make the best and better professionals from this course. Also apart from that, the requirement and openings after this sector are in mostly Public Undertakings as well as Telecommunication organizations and the Electronic manufacturing and maintenance organizations. Due to this, the number of openings in this sector are comparatively high and providing the most generous perks and growth in the career.

All these above mentioned is a detailed difference between the two of major engineering streams in India on the basis of the industry type, work involved, course structure and design principles and can be considered in order to decide which one to choose.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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RE: How is electronics and communication engineering different from Computer science engineering?

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