
Aryan Pandey

I Have Appeared High School Exam.I Wish To Make My Carrier In Engineering (1St Is Genetic & Second Choice Is Comp.Science).Which Is Best ?

As Stated In Above Query I Wish To Know The Subjects To Be Taken In Higher Secondary Study To Keep The Choice Open.Kindly Guide Me In Details With Other Helpful Points. Thanks & Best Regards.

by Aryan Pandey
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RE: I Have Appeared High School Exam.I Wish To Make My Carrier In Engineering (1St Is Genetic & Second Choice Is Comp.Science).Which Is Best ?

Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar
Verified Career Expert
Counselor / Subject Matter Expert in Microbiology
  • Meerut

Dear friend, many thanks for your question, I appreciate your choice of career. As you have mentioned in your question that your interest is to become either a genetic engineer or a computer engineer. But your first choice is genetic engineer. In my opinion you should go with your first choice, reason being is that first choice of any person is very close to heart and mind.

To pursue career in genetic engineering, you should take biology, physics and chemistry in 12 Standard. Try to score good marks in 12 and undersatnd the basic concepts of biology specially the DNA, RNA, protein and cell biology, this will help you to under stand better the biology science during higher studies.

In graduation, you have to choose any one of the following subjects, genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, nano-biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Cell biology. To become a genetic engineer a degree in post graduation is must. Therefore , you have to obtain degree in any one of the following subjects; genetic engineering, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology. Care should be taken that you have to carry out your research work on Genetic engineering aspects. This will make a base for you in genetic engineering field. Also you should take (study) courses on genetic engineering, molecular biology or cell biology.

Genetics Scientists

Technically you are eligible to become a genetic engineer. You can get entry in colleges, universities, research institutes, governmental laboratories. Here you can make entry as lecturer, assistant professor, assistant scientist or technical officer. The genetic engineer do have great opportunities in private sector or multinational companies in research and developmental aspects.

But due to severe competition in jobs, a doctoral degree will have an edge of a masters degree. Therefore, to get a better position, in a very good organization, a doctoral degree in genetic engineering or related subject will open vast opportunities for you. Here you have to decide which organization you would like to join. Either you would like to join as an academician (involved in teaching and research) in colleges, universities and institutes, or as research scientist in governmental laboratories. As a research scientist you will be involved in research and will be carry out your projects independently.

If you win research projects funded by funding agencies, then in genetic engineering research field the sky will be the limit for you. You can do any type of research, and you will be able to fulfill your dream to become a Genetic Engineer.

With all my best wishes,

Good Luck...

RE: I Have Appeared High School Exam.I Wish To Make My Carrier In Engineering (1St Is Genetic & Second Choice Is Comp.Science).Which Is Best ?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar
Dear Friend
Thank you for approaching CareerGuide.com as you have asked very well calculated question and you seem to be focussed with two options those are contrast to each other though compliment each other technically.
No one can comment as such regarding the best and worst subject for you where your academic record and background is a constant factor before opting computer or genetic engineering. If you understand that your basic as well as the compatibility in terms of interest and futuristic approach appeal you any one out of these two then must go with that.Intelligence never criticises any subject for the sake of job placement where subject is constant and your effort andcompetency are variable. Since your temperament is the best judge for any decision where you have to take the step logically and analytically. It does not mean that you make this step so lengthy and create confusionunnecessarily rather you make it simple which suits your profile in terms of grasping pace andfull-length understanding, though no one can understand everything at a glance for example Darwin,Einstein they have spent their entire life to understand one thing which allows him to solve the several associate problems.

Just try to understand the above discussed facts about your candidature and thetargeted subjects then developyouroption for both the subjects.

As we know we are living in the computer based era where everything is being comtrolled through the e-governance where science and technology is being explored though the same monitor. That is why I will suggest you to go for the Bio-computational stream where you can serve these two subjects at one go. As you have stated your purpose towards these two in equivocal manner so get it done and give a meaningful career.
You can explore the Bioinformatics at graduate level only, so initiate your study at higher secondary level with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and computer science as optional, though computer sciences have become uniform course code at higher level.
Take your current study in serious manner and then try to justify the career based on the suitability, never get influenced by any irrelevant reference.

Good luck

RE: I Have Appeared High School Exam.I Wish To Make My Carrier In Engineering (1St Is Genetic & Second Choice Is Comp.Science).Which Is Best ?

Dr Aparna
Dr Aparna
Verified Career Expert
PhD Organizational Psychology
  • Hosur


Thank you for choosing Mera career guide and writing to us. It is good to see you have filtered two options already in hand and are wondering what is best. Well, actually both the career choice are the best but it is necessary to understand and identify what is actually apt for you. Like we say, every subject we study leads to a career, but it is upto the individual to understand whether we treat it is as a job or we treat the route as a career. A career offers much intensive meaning than a job does. Like wise, it is important to understand what subject route will offer you a job and what route will offer you a career.

To identify this, one must know what sort of personality they have and what are the suitable careers for such personality. For example, one may be very kind, compassionate and helpful; and such persons could be highly suited for medicine careers or social work careers. Like wise, if a person likes to get interact with lots of people on a day to work basis, they may be suited for a HR profession. Similarly, it is important to know what sort of personality you have and if you will suit to genetics or computer science professions. Therefore you are highly adviced to spend a few minutes in taking up the psychometric assessment from this website. This test will help you understand you as a person with strengths and abilities and therefore you can draw a map of suitable careers for your type.

Next, genetic engineering or Computer science engineering? Not many college offers a direct BTech Genetic engineering degree and only a very few does. However you can still study BTech Biotechnology and choose genetic engineering as your specialisation in that degree. To study this degree, it is mandatory for students to have studied PCMB - Physics, chemistry, maths and biology at 12th level. Alternatively students who come from international schools may also have studied Physics, Chemistry, Maths and biotechnology instead of biology. However maths and a subject related to Biology is very important of study at 12th level.If you want to study B.Tech computer science, then it is mandatory to have studied PCCM at 12th level. That is physics, chemistry, maths and computer science. What so ever, maths and computer science are compulsory subjects at 12th level even if the other subjects miss out.

Finally I advice you to check what particularly suits you rather what subject is good in general. Only when it personally suits you, you will shape up along with the subject while studying and will also develop as a competitor while working in that area of subject. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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RE: I Have Appeared High School Exam.I Wish To Make My Carrier In Engineering (1St Is Genetic & Second Choice Is Comp.Science).Which Is Best ?

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