
Rahul Nawani

I want to choose the field of environmental engineering as my career so what steps I need to take after 12th standard? What is the work of environmental scientist

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by Rahul Nawani
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RE: I want to choose the field of environmental engineering as my career so what steps I need to take after 12th standard? What is the work of environmental scientist

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

An environemtalist usually conduct research in order to indentify and eliminate pollutants and hazards to the envrionment or t the health of the poulation. THey are mainly resposnibile for collecting , analyzing , managing and reporting environmwental date such as pollution , emission measurements, meteorological and minerological information , atmospheric monitoring measurements and soil or water samples to interpret correlations between human activities and environmental effects. They are responsible for communicating scientific and technical information pertaining to envronment to media, public and organization through oral and written briefings, workshops, conference and training sessions. They are resoponsible for educating people about the consequences of neglecting or abusing the environment. They are required to provide scientific and technical guidance , coordination and planning with governmenty agencies , envrionmental programmes , industry on ways of preserving the environment.

People with aqualification in environmental science have various career options to opt fir. They can join various governmwent agencies like pollution control boards, forestry department , urban planning department or water resources, agriculture industries. Waster treatment industries, distilleries, refineries, mines , fertilizers plants also absorb envrionemtal engineers.

To make a career in Environmental Science , a student has to study PCM/ PCB at 12th level. After completing 12th one has an option to either do B.Tech Environmental Science ( PCM at 12th) or B.Sc Environmentak Science ( PCB/ PCM at 12th)

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