Rajiv Kushwaha

I want to pursue my career in psychology...bt not sure which sub field to take?

I want to pusrsue mt career in psychology...so i want to know all d details possible....n which one is better a psychologist or a counsellor as a future option...

by Rajiv Kushwaha
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2 answers

RE: I want to pursue my career in psychology...bt not sure which sub field to take?

Adhunika Naithani
Adhunika Naithani
Verified Career Expert
School Counselor at Step By Step School NOIDA
  • Noida

Hello Swati,

Psychology is a very vast field and there are various sub fields also. The basic ones are Clinical Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Child Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, Research Methodology etc....

Each one has their own area of work like the Clinical Psychologist works in a hospital setting, Organizational Behaviorist works in organizations in HR departments Counseling Psychologist works as a counselor, Rehabilitation Psychologist works in Rehabilitation Center, Child Psychologists work in schools or child care centers etc..... it is your choice as to what type of work setting you want to work in and decide accordingly.

Best Wishes!

RE: I want to pursue my career in psychology...bt not sure which sub field to take?

Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
Verified Career Expert
Consulting Psychologist
  • Delhi

Dear Aspirant,

Thanks for writing to www.careerguide.com!

Psychology is a broad subject and you need to choose specialization within. I am sharing different branches of psychology that you can pursue. Psychology is divided primarily into two branches: Applied and Pure Psychology. There are many branches of psychology; however, I am sharing few branches which are taught in india.

Applied Psychology Branch:
Clinical Psychology
Counseling Psychology
School Psychology
Industrial Psychology
Child Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Cross-cultural Psychology

Pure Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology'
Social Psychology
Indian Psychology

In India following branches are well-known:
Clinical Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Industrial Psychology
Educational/School Psychology

Read details about each branch from google search. List your skills and interest to pursue specific specialization. Match your skills with the specialization and choose the specialization where you have right aptitude, interest and passion.

Hope this is helpful. If you have more queries, feel free to write back.

Best Wishes for your bright career,
Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD

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