
Rahul Joshi

Nanotechnology emerging as a driver of the jobs; how can one make a career in Nanotechnology Engineering?

by Rahul Joshi
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RE: Nanotechnology emerging as a driver of the jobs; how can one make a career in Nanotechnology Engineering?

Avadhut Desai
Avadhut Desai
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor / President at Foresight Foundation
  • Kolhapur

Today we are living in a world that focussing on a nanotechnology. Right from the daily needs till education, health, defense and space science, nanotechnology is gaining a tremendous momentum. World scientist community is advanced focusing on the nanotechnology. The immense potential that the nanotechnology held with it, is unparalleled. Hence, its application to create an advanced and robust infrastructure and related is the need of the hour. If you go deeper in this regard, you will come to know that why the need of nanotechnology aroused? The answer seems to be very simple that, on this dynamic world and changing the well challenging environment, traditional slow techniques becomes obsolete, even the high technologies in the beginning of the century now getting inefficient, this all set to the born of nanotechnologies. There is ongoing research in the nanotechnology around the, and every day one and the other breakthrough in this field. With each new flip in the research. Since the career in the nanotechnology is gaining huge momentum, so the job opportunities in this field always remain high. If you are looking to build your career in nanotechnology, this article will brief you about courses, colleges and jobs.

There are wide applications of the nanotechnology which cannot be put on the single page, but all you need to understand the basic and required information so that at the right time you can grab it tightly.


 Is Nanotech Is Unique?

Definitely! Nanotechnology is unique! More advanced, and has the potential for a bright career.

Let us define the nanotechnology which will show you that how nanotech is unique.

It is a branch of the science, in which the manufacturing, assembling and productions of the science and technology products on the nano-scale, less than 100nanometers. The nano-technology has the immense potential to serve the mankind.  The nanotechnology works on the nanoscale which was discovered 30years back.

Let us take an example, In 90’s when the computer was launched in India, the speed and efficiency of the computer were well known. When time goes on, speed becomes tremendously high, able to perform every task. Now think about supercomputers! They are exceptionally brilliant. Speed is beyond limit and efficiency is awesome. This is the power and outcome of nanotechnology.

Scientists are continuously working on the nanotech to make it more reliable, harder, compact, strong and of course efficient, through vigorous researches and projects. Thus unfolding the great opportunity for the young aspirants.


Courses Offered Under Nanotechnology

B.Tech (Nanotechnology)

Being the most [promised degree of its own kind, the B.Tech from the recognised institute offers you to go in a streamlined phase of nanotechnology.

Duration: 4 years - graduation

Syllabus for the Nanotechnology engineering is:

  • Atoms and molecules behaviour
  • Dimensions in nanotechnologies
  • Subsonic nano instruments
  • Theory of machines’
  • Nano designs and drawings
  • Adaptations of nanotechnology
  • Nanotechnology principles and developments
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Semiconductor devices
  • Nanocircuits and analyses
  • Physical working labs
  • Laser beam technologies and remote sensing
  • Thermodynamics and its uses in nanotechnology
  • Project presentation and working models.

Top institutes of nanotechnology/ Nanoengineering

  • Amity nanotech university, Noida
  • Bhagwat university, Ajmer Rajasthan
  • Dev Prabhakar college of technology, Allahabad
  • Bhagat engineering college, Bhatinda Punjab
  • IIITDM, Jabalpur MP
  • SGSITS, Indore
  • Rana Pratap technical university, Jaipur
    AMU Chennai, TN
  • Nokrek university, Shillong, Meghalaya
  • Anna science and technical institute, Chennai, TN

M.Tech (Nanotechnology)

Duration – 2 years – post graduation.

After pursuing the bachelor's degree in nanotechnology, one need to have the masters degree, in order to get into the big platform of research.

The Top colleges  for the M.tech are:

  • Uzbek-Russian institute, RUSSIA
  • ELITE nanotech research institute, JAPAN
  • Amity nanotech university, Noida
  • Bhagwat university, Ajmer Rajasthan
  • Dev Prabhakar college of technology, Allahabad
  • Bhagat engineering college, Bhatinda Punjab
  • IIITDM, Jabalpur MP
  • SGSITS, Indore
  • IMTS, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  • KSR( Rangaswamy college), Nammakal, TN


Wanted ! Job Opportunities

  • Nanomaterial Developer: This is the job in which one has to develop the material suitable for the nanotechnology. This is one of the jobs which comes under the material department of the firm, hence considered to be the hallmark of the nanotech industry,


  • Material Inspector: Such posts are offered by both the public and private sector, in which one has to determine the quality, inspect the material and pass it to the processed department. Generally, the experienced ones are recruited in this head


  • Nano Programmer: In the head of nanoelectronics, the programmer is the essential part of the system. Top companies of the nanotech recruit the programmers.


  • Circuit Developer: The circuits of the nanotechnology or nanoengineering devices are unique and work on the different principles. The hardworking and dedicated individuals are assigned to the task of developing circuits, who are the top engineers.


  • Drug Researcher: Nanotechnology is emerging as a favorite spot for the Biotechnology. There are many top firms and research institutes taking up the projects of developing the drugs and generic medicines using nanotechnologies. Thus this field has the vast potential to provide prestigious job to the newcomers.


  • Robotics or Artificial intelligence: In space, defense, banking and transportation, artificial intelligence is gaining the high pitch. Hence, one has the good opportunities to take artificial intelligence industries as a target for a career as these companies will provide the satisfaction in your dream job.


  • Safety Engineers: Safety engineers are the one who works for the safety of the firms, the material and saves from the associated hazards of the industry. Safety engineer is a highly paid job offered by the top institutes which require the experience and distinguished approach in nanotech.


  • Defense Scientists: The use of the nanotechnology is now widely used in the defense and space field. Creamy layered candidates can take the career as a defense nanotech scientist, which is a prestigious and highly paid job.


  • Professor: One can also join as a professor or an instructor in the government and private colleges of the country. The nanotechnology science does not have optimum faculty across the country, hence the salary and respect are quite higher than those of other teaching jobs.

The career in nanotech engineering is taking a flip and is in high demands also. You have to take the proactive approach by choosing your best options in the nanotech world.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!



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RE: Nanotechnology emerging as a driver of the jobs; how can one make a career in Nanotechnology Engineering?

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