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Hi Rohit,
Quiting the job depends on your financial position. If you or your family do not have any financial problems then go ahead in Quiting your job and concentrate more on the preparation. But if financial position is tight then also you can work and simultaneously can prepare for CAT.
Everything depends on you. If you have a capability of doing multi tasking then go ahead with job and also the preparation.
All the very Best !!!!
This is one of the frequently asked questions whether to quit the job or not for the preparation of CAT 2016 which is held for the management admissions at IIMs and other such hundreds of institutions. The CAT is not that easy exam that anyone can crack it with little or casual efforts. You must be serious about and need to put in concerted efforts consistently for a long time. You have asked that if one should quit the job for the preparation of CAT 2016; the answer for this question is a mix of Yes and NO and it depends on when one has started the preparation for the CAT. My frank advice would be, you should not quit the job provided you have already started preparing for CAT and have been performing well practice test series. And one who is late trying hands on CAT preparation is obviously but obliged to quite the job.
For CAT 2016, you know the CAT is in the offing and has been scheduled to be held on 4th December 2016 and even the admit card downloading date has been passed too. So if you are preparing for the CAT 2016 then you have less time to ponder over but need to quit the Job as soon as possible for the exam is only a couple of weeks away. Some of the serious and ambitious candidates now might have been in their last phase of revision and practice. They might be solving their practice papers on a daily basis just to gain enough confidence and to crack the CAT by all means.
Dear Aspirant from your question it hints me that you might be in a job and have already applied for CAT 2016. I hope you might have studied well in past days and still you can do better in remaining 15 days quitting the job. I am just giving in brief, the general strategy which you can take recourse to as a final reinforcement package for you.
A Last Two Weeks Strategy for CAT 2016
Dear Aspirant, you should have quite the job at least 1 and half month before the actual exam which would have offered you enough time to solve question papers and improve accordingly. Still you no need to panic about as you have fair two weeks in your hands so make this period productive doing putting your best in place at the optimum level possible. On a cautious note, I would like to suggest you that whatever the outcome of your CAT 2016 comes don’t stop the preparation but continue it and take guidance from our Professional Experts at CareerGuide for CAT 2017 so that you can definitely crack the Exam to enter the IIMs. Be in touch with Career Experts and have a talk with them for more information regarding the CAT Preparation. Wish you all the best!
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Mr Ajit is an Expert Biomedical Researcher trained in Biomedical engineering and Clinical Medicine. he had working experience with multidisciplinary international basic and clinical researchers.He had also worked in independent project management in clinical research.His outclass contribution in publications related to his field also counts in for his specialization.
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Vikramaditya Duggal is heading his own organisation - Abhivyakti - the Expression. It specialises in training, coaching and consulting services for people, leadership and organizational development. He is a professional banker. He worked in State Bank of India for 22 years. He held a variety of roles and responsibilities during that period. He took early retirement to pursue his passion in the field of learning and development. He was Assistant General Manager and faculty member in State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad when he took retirement. Thereafter, he worked in Administrative Staff College of India and Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad where he developed and delivered a variety of programs in the field of Organizational Behaviour. Some of his areas of interest include Leadership – an inside-out approach, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, Communication & Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, Team Building and Work Life Balance. He also has the expertise of conducting Out-bound Learning Activities. He is associated with many organizations as Consultant Trainer. He has delivered more than 20 programmes in Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. In his experience of over 12 years in the field of Learning & Development, he has interacted with more than 11000 participants from public, private, government sectors and NGOs. He facilitates personal and organizational transformation by encouraging people to discover their hidden potential and take responsibility for change.
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