
Aathira Madhu

What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

I want to do MBBS and am appearing for the entrance examination this year. can you suggest me other career option which I can select biology as the main subject.

by Aathira Madhu
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RE: What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

Halima Sadiya
Halima Sadiya
Verified Career Expert
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
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At first, let me wish you all the best for your entrance examinations.There are many options availableto you with biology as the main subject such as Biologist, Bio technologist , Molecular biologist, Agricultural biotechnologist, Anatomist, Aquatic biologist, Agronomist, Bio- informatics, Ecologist, Entomologist, Pisci culturalists,Geneticists, Bio chemists, etc. All the above mentioned subjects can be opted at masters level after completing graduation with biology as the main subject. You can also opt for few of the above subjects at graduation level and later specialize it at your masters level. All of these require intense hard work, perseverance and challenge for achieving results. The courses are offered by very good colleges and central universities across the country.

You can also go for Nutritionist and Dieticians Course. This course has vast scope in hospitals and food industry owing to health issues in todays lifestyle. Nutritionist and Dieticians Especially work to assist people in all their special circumstances in life, - the young, the obese and anorexist, the elderly , the sick , nursing mothers,active sports person,the health conscious and the like. An aptitude in science, interest in diets and the temperament to work in group, undertake responsibility are qualities vital for this profession.

As you are appearing for MBBS entrance, there are other options here as well, such as you can go for BDS,BHMS, BUMS, BAMS, Bachelor degree in vetenary science and animal husbandry, B.Pharm, B.Sc Nursing, Physiotherapist and radiologistetc. You have immediate placement oppurtunities in government and private sectors as well after the successfull completion of these course. Professionals in this sector work in rural or government hospitals and clinics have to work under stringent conditions where as in private hospitals the work environment matches thatof corporate comforts.This sector requires service orientation ,good mental ability and a lot of patience.A very good academic profile and scientific bent of mind is crucial as well.

Read the information carefully and see what exactly suits your capacities, go for assessment tests and then decide which subject you can count upon.

Hope this finds you happy with varied career options available to you. Still have Queries? Feel free to contact.

Good Luck.

RE: What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Dear Friend:

Biology has very vast scope to offer you it depends on your capability and background which enable you to decide what is the best suited for you. Requirement of maths at elementery level is pre-requisite for any technological study for example biotechnology, biophysics, bionanotechnology, Marine biology etc. These are the optional and excellent contemporary theams of biology that you can join at initial level or after completion of MBBS being a medical scholar.

Why you are lagging behind in terms of maths what a big deal into this? If you can understand biology which is the most complex natural system in the world at the same time it deals with such a sensitive biological systems starting from unicellular to multicellular then where is the problem in understanding math, physics and chemistry those are the integeral part of current facinating technology. Even in the clinical practice as a doctor you need to be instrumental of statstics and bio-physics to address the tech based operation then how come you are estimating yourself towards MBBS and any other biological streams at other side and higher side.

Based on my above comments you just try to follow the points below might be helpful for you:

1. First you clear your capability to afford the tech based program and your interest and comfort to any stream where you will genuinly enjoy and will justufy the subject.

2. Now a days people opt the general biological sciences, life sciences, immunological sciences, etc through the proper gateway like cracking national level of national test which validate yours credibility with your background and then you will be given oportunity to struggle in bio-sciences or biotechnology. Here struggle means effort, dedication, hard work and patience only then you will be able to incubate and harvest the best knowldege for biosciences.
3. Try to visit several research institutions and look their aptidudes similarly visit medical colleges and see the course work and then estimate your eligibility i hope everything will be clear. It is very important to understand your potential rather checking the potency of any subject, you have speciic fitness and trait to for the expression in response to specific stimulus.

Keep these things into mind then go ahead


Dr. Manoj

RE: What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

Dr Aparna
Dr Aparna
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Thank you for choosing Mera career guide and writing to us. I am excited to offer you some guidance as Biology (Biotechnology) was the first degree I studied. I was never interested in Maths and ofcourse din't want a career that may use math. But life shapes you up well as a person as you go along your career.

If you have been at state board schools, you could have studied Maths as part of your syllabus. However, national and international board students have the option to avoid maths and choose other subjects favourable to them. Colleges admitting students on to their bachelors degree are well aware of this system at schools. So be relaxed that you could definitely have a science career though you haven't studied mathematics. However, it is good to always develop basic numerical aptitude skills, Try to be proficient with maths at least upto 10th class. In case you are going to apply to BTech/BSc colleges will have an entrance exam to check your basic numerical skills and it is expected to achieve a descent pass in this section. Your entrance test will test your English, biology and basic math. If you have an overall first class pass, you are good. If you are really afraid of studying maths further, I would advice you to not choose BTech courses related to Biology like BIotech, Bioinformatics and Biomedical. Students studying BE/Btech in either of these three courses are surely to study Maths in first and second semester. They are also to study Statistics in third semester. (Yes, I had them when I studied my BTech Biotechnology). If you have decided not to study maths for ever, then BTech is not the option for you but you could still perceive BSc/BPharm degrees.

I understand you are aiming for a medical career. You have MBBS/BDS as good options. Universities will conduct entrance exams to offer you seats for either MBBS/BDS. And yes, Maths is one of the sections in their question paper. So try to achieve a good pass overall. If you are willing to do a BTech at the IIT's, you could try. IIT's will similarly conduct an entrance test that will certainly include maths. But don't worry, after an entrance test most universities do conduct a personal interview and you can tell them you havent studied maths in your 11th and 12th standard and it is considerable. Please understand not studying maths isn't an issue on the longer term but brushing up your mathematical skills is essential to pass the entrance test as BTech/MBBS/BDS entrance exams are likely to include maths.

Alternatively, BSc doesn't have this tedious process with maths. For BSc admissions, they dont usually demand maths at entrance test. And very few universities conduct entrance test for BSc degrees. BSc degress could well offer you a variety of roles. For an example, look at the picture below. You can work into these many sectors, with a BSc Biology/ BSc Biochemistry or a BSc Biotechnology degree. You wouldnt study Maths as part of these degrees either. So you can be relaxed.

The picture above will give you a very good idea of the type of careers you can perceive with BSc Biology, BSc Biochem or BSc Biotech degrees. Hope this helps.

All the best.

RE: What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar
Verified Career Expert
Counselor / Subject Matter Expert in Microbiology
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Dear friend, first of all i wish you success in your MBBS entrance exam. Youu try your level best to crack the MBBS entrance exam. Few tips for you will be seek guidance from experts, you may also visit and take coaching from coaching institutes, alternatelively, you go through the previous years question papers. This will give you an idea, what types of questions are asked in entrance exam so that you can plan your studies accordingly.

If you cant make it, then there several options in biology subjects. The subject biology has many disciplines such as botany, zoology, biotechnology, microbiology (food, dairy, fishery, clinical, medical), biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomedical sciences, forensic sciences, marine biology, fishery science, nanobiotechnology, agricultural sciences, veterinary sciences, pharmacology, medical laboratory technology and many more.

You have to do graduation in one or two subjects mentioed above except in agricultural, veterinary, biomedical and medical laboratory technology. For agricultural science and veterinary science there is seperate entrance exam or admission is based on the merit list of 10+2 marks, depending upon the university / institute. The other biology science subject, you have to graduation, masters degree and then a doctoral degree. You can go for higher education from India or from abroad. Practically speaking, a degree from abroad has more values (technically the degree from any country is same).

The subjects of biology, which I have mentioned, have great scope in governmental as well as in private sector. For private sector a masters degree in biology is sufficient but a doctoral degree will give aboost in your career. Regarding government sector such as universities, colleges, research institutes, a doctoral degree is must. Although you may also join public sector after masters degree, but it will be difficult to get entry level of Assistant Professor, Assistant Scientist or Lecturer. But you can easily make as Senior Research Fellow, Junior Reseearch fellow. If you have National Eligibility Test (NET) certificate awarded by UGC-CSIR or ICAR or by any state then the entry after masters and doctoral degree will be easy.

A person holding masters degree or doctoral degree has great job potential in India as well as abroad. You have to decide, where do you wish to work and in which sector, government or private.

I believe that, the job of a biologist is very interesting.

With all my best wishes..

Good Luck....

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RE: What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

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