
Aditya Singh

What are the common myths about Textile Engineers and their work?

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by Aditya Singh
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2 answers

RE: What are the common myths about Textile Engineers and their work?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

Textile engineering is concerned with the designing and controlling all aspects of fiber, textile and apparel processes, products and machinery. These engineers are involved in research and development, manufacturing and merchandising. Textile engineering integrates the principles of engineering with specific knowledge of textile machinery and processes. This knowledge is then utilized for the production and processing of all kinds of textile fabric and yarns from textile fibers. Textile engineers are employed in textile manufacturing units in production, planning, quality control , sales or marketing. There are various career specialization within this field and depending upon the area of specialization, their work differs.


Technical textile- is the term given to textile products manufactured for non-a esthetic purposes. These include textile structures for automotiveapplications, medical textiles, agro textiles,protective clothing etc.
Fiber science technology- People who are specialist in this field deals with fiber and polymer research, helps to develop new fibers and tries to increase the productive capacity.

Textile chemical technology- The process deals with finding innovative solutions to today and tomorrow's textile wet processing opportunities.
Computer application in textile- This study helps the engineers to design various products with the help of computers.

Some of the companies that hire textile engineers include:-


RE: What are the common myths about Textile Engineers and their work?

Deepak Rana
Deepak Rana
Verified Career Expert
Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds
  • Kangra

There are a number of myths about the textile engineers and their woork. These have been mentioned and explained below:

1. The first and the biggest myth that people have about the textile engineers is that there are not many jobs for them. This was somewhat true earlier but not at all true now. The textile engineering has been growing tremendously and plenty of jobs are being created. Therefore one doesn't need to be worry about the job opportunities. The jobs are everywhere, you just need to have the right approach and should plan wisely while looking for the job. Staying professional is the key.

2. A number of people assume that textile engineers only have to work with the machines only and there is no human interaction involved. People assume that they are only working with computers and other machines. This again is a myth. They experience social interactions throughout their work in various forms. They have to coordinate with their team members and work with them to produce the team results. They also have to present the plans and schedule to the senior management and coordinate with junior workers. Thus they get to interact with wide variety of people.

3. Another myth about the textile engineers is that since they are only working with the production sites, they don't need to have good communication skills. This sgain is not true as the world today has changed a lot. We need more professional people and so is true in the case of the textile engineers. They need to have sharp communication skills so that they can be productive at work and provide great contribution with efficiency.

4. The other myth about the textile engineers is that the working conditions in the textile industry are not at all safe. There are various hazards involved. This again is not truue. These days companies pay a lot of attention to maintain the healthy environment at work place and therefore the working conditions are absolutely fit in all of the production sites.

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RE: What are the common myths about Textile Engineers and their work?

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