Deepak Rana Career Expert

Deepak Rana

Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds

Deepak Rana

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About Deepak Rana

Deepak Rana is a writer and an author of 'Sky Beyond the Clouds'(fiction) With a rich experience in Business Analysis and Online Marketing, Deepak has worked diligently in the writing world and he continues to do so. He holds a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering .he has also learned french language.

 Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, is a career counsellor based at Kangra, Himachal Pradesh area. View all career counsellors from Kangra


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You need to go through the following points if you want to figure out whether you have the right interest and aptitude for interior designing or not. Please note that the careful observation is required on your part while going through these points and figuring out a personal trait.   1. How good are your design skills. You have to have wonderful design sense so that you can make the nice arrangements, wonderful color patterns and the allocation of the various things inside the walls. The interior designers need to work a lot on their designing part and they have to keep learning this asp

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on January 23, 2015

The communication skills of a Translator or Interpreter are very important. This whole profession is all about communicating and that too in different ways. Below are the more explanations why communication skills are very important in this important.1. The first and the foremost thing for any translator or interpreter is the understanding of the language. That is only possible if they are good enough in their communication skills. They have to be good in both written and verbal communication skills in order to be effective in their profession. 2. The translators or interpreters have to i

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on January 23, 2015

Below is the list of [the personal and professional skills][1] that you need to have so that you can get the job of a public relations executive and become [successful in this career][2]:1. You need to be very good at your communication skills so that you can become a [public relations executive][3]. As a part of this job you will have to meet new people all the time and therefore it is very much required that you are comfortable while talking to them or making any communication. Besides you will also have to write various press releases, news letters etc to the media agencies and get the m

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 31, 2013

Below is the list of the ain work and responsibilities of a public relation executive that they have to do in their work:1. The public relation executives have to conduct meetings with the senior management so that they can identify the plans for the marketing and public relations. This is an important part of their work as it is in these meetings the decisions are made about what kind of image that a company wants to portray in the public. Most of the times it takes quite an effort and a number of lengthy discussions to figure out the right image that they want to portray in the market.2. The

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 31, 2013

The [public relations executives work][1] on a number of areas in their work. They have to be active at all the times and ensure that the public relations are maintained nicely. The list of the key areas on which the [public relations executives work most of the times][2] has been provided below: 1. The public relations executives work with maintaining the relationships with the customers and the clients of any organization. They have to make sure that the customers that they are working for, are quite happy with their work. The relationship building with clients requires great deal of ef

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 31, 2013

In order to identify the right interest and aptitude [for the public relations executive job][1] you need to focus on the below mentioned points and see how good you are at the various aspects of this job that have been mentioned. While answering these questions you need to be honest to yourself then only you can decide your [career in public relations][2]. Here are the points.1. How good you are with your [communication skills][3]. The job of a public relations executive is all about maintaining the communication with the clients, media and the general public. They have to be really good

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 31, 2013

Below is the list of the main work and responsibilities for the nutritionists:1. The nutritionists have to study about the various nutritions and their effect on the health. The studies often take up a lot of time but they have to do that all throughout their careers. Having the right knowledge about the various nutritions, their chemical composition and the applications along with their effects on the human body, is must for the nutritionists.2. They are required to meet their clients on regular basis. The client can be an individual, a family or an organization looking for the right composit

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 30, 2013

There are a number of skills that are required by a fresher so that he or she can get a good job as a nutritionist. Below is the list of those skills that would be of great help for them:1. The nutritionists need to be really aware about the various components of food and how the variation in these components can affect the health of the person. They have to be aware about the science behind each and every chemical process that is involved in the processing of the food material. This skill is the core part of their work and therefore expertise is required in it so that one can get a really goo

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 30, 2013

Below is the list of the key areas on which the physicists work most of the times:1. The physicists have to conduct the research in their labs. This is the main part of their work. They have to develop new theories after understanding the old theories and working on them. The research work is often theoretical and involves number of observations and theories to explain the thesis.2. The theoretical physicists often work in the universities and the research centres where they work towards the theoretical models. They often work with mathematical software and prove their theories with the help o

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 30, 2013

As a [jewellery designer][1] you work on the following key areas in your work profession:1. The jewellery designers are required to do the designing of the jewellery and the ornamnents. This design is usually made on the paper and then on the computer software once the design is approved by the client or the senior management. The computer aided design software are usually used for this purpose. The designers work on the three dimension design and choose the various specifications for the design purpose. It is a lengthy task and therefore takes a lot of time.2. The jewellery designers have to

Answered by: Deepak Rana, Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds, on July 30, 2013