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Dear friend, thank you for your question, since you have asked about the amazing products about fishes, seems that your are also a fishery scientist or you want to be in near future. A fishery scientist a person who looks after the managing and understanding the fishes. It is a multidisciplinary subject which involves limnology, marine biology, oceanography, fresh water biology, conservation, ecology and population dynamics, economics and management an attempt to provide an integrated picture of fishery. The amazing products in fishery could be the development of fish science, fish biology, fish culture and breeding, fish nutrition, fish microbiology and pathology aspects. Here I will discuss about the fish development, the contribution of notable fishery scientists. Let me tell you about some great fishery scientist and their contribution in the development of fishery science and some products;1. Uwe Kils; A German marine biologist, specialized in Planktology, inventor of the ecoSCOPE (it is an optical sensor system, deployed from a small remote controlled vehicle or fibre optic able to monitor the behavior and micro distribution of small animals in the ocean). 2. Herald Rsenthal; German Hydro biologist known for his work in fish farming and ecology. His research on fish farming and ecology greatly helped in mass culture of fishes.3. Milner Baily Schaefer; he has worked on population dynamics of fisheries. 4. Ussif Rashid Sumaila; noted for his work on the economic aspects of fishes,
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Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Mr Tejas is a practicing Career Psychologist. He is a certified Master Trainer of Life Skills from (Khemka Foundation) Delhi and holds more than five year of experience as Career Psychologist and life skill trainer. He has counselled around 50,000+ students over conferences in various part of country .Scholarships and competitive exams are his special areas.
Career Counselor
Ms. Meghna is a owner of Shiksh Vikas and is an expert in Career Counseling and Career Coaching she keeps her main focus on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues in order to provide right solution to an individual or student regarding a career query. She has had a extensive experience in education management and is well versed in her field of counseling and guidance.
Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
Dr Rupa achieved PHD from Calcutta University and her MS in Psychology from IBMS ,Rehabilitation Psychologist(IGNOU), Project Guide of Scholars. She guides students, teachers and parents to select Career appropriately .She is expert in counselling on Career, Relationship, and Psychological, Pre-marriage, Parent-child and life coaching. She excels in organizing workshops in schools, colleges to develop career awareness. She is a regular writer on psychological health and Career in different magazines and Newspapers. She also involves in Youth Development Program which helps students to know "self" and and also to deal with the life accordingly".
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Ms.Deepali is a graduate from Delhi university. She excels in providing personal guidance at the critical stages of making choices for education at any level be it Grade 10th or Post Graduate Level.she had over 12 year of experience in the field of education and counselling. she had worked with education UK, British council India and Canadian education center India.currently she is a director of NovaEdu ,advising students on education and career in India and abroad.
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