
Sahil Sharma

What are the opportunities for engineering graduate in Aviation Industry?

opportunities for engineering graduate in Aviation Industry as aeronautical engineer

by Sahil Sharma
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RE: What are the opportunities for engineering graduate in Aviation Industry?

Indumathi  Selvaraj
Indumathi Selvaraj
Verified Career Expert
Applied Psychologist And Career Counselor
  • Bangalore

Hello Dear,

Thank you for reaching MeraCareerguide.com

It would have been helpful if you would have shared little about your background as i am not sure if you have completed Aeronautical engineering or you are interested to know about the scope and opportunities of aeronautical engineering to take up the course. However below are my Inputs and suggestions.


  • Aeronautical engineering is one of the most popular career option for those students who want to make their career into airplanes, Space shuttles, jumbo jets and other similar exciting stuff.
  • Aeronautical engineering deals with all the techincal details and mechanisms behind all flying bodies.
  • Nowadays, Aeronautical engineers are needed in all sorts of areas such as aircraft manufacturing units, space stations and many more important places.
  • It helps you equip knowledge on the complex design and development of these high flying machines.
  • It delas with the aerodynamics and mechanical aspects of these machines and systems.
  • It delas with navigation systems, radars and other communication networks.

What would you do as Aeronautical Engineer?

  • Aeronautical engineers work in aircraft manufacturing units, space stations etc and their work majorly involves design and development of aircraft parts, testing new aerodynamic and aviation systems, Quality management and improvement maintenance
  • Aeronautical engineers utilize their technical know how in designing high end vehicles for automobile changing air pressure at high end vehicles for automobile industry, locomotives (Super fast trains/sky buses) and swift water transportations (Speed boats, Hover Crafts etc)
  • Aeronautical engineers are also involved in huge super mega structures (Sky scrapers) that have to withstand changing air pressure at high altitudes.

Career Prospects

  • With every day new air routes beign connected the airline industry needs qaulified technical engineers to develop and maintain their growing fleet of aircrafts.
  • With thecountry on the top Radar of satellite technology, aviation engineers are in demand to meet this stage of the art technologies field with increase, usgae of navigation systems etc
  • ooportunities are open for students in the top international aviation companies - Government and Private airlines and organisation involved in military and space programs like IAF, ISRO and NASA, Defence, Automobile and fast moving locomotive industriesetc.

Skills Required

  • This field of engineering is techically demaning and challenging
  • Along with the strong mathematical base, student should also have a creative nd analytical mind
  • Students are also required to be physically fit especially for the Defence nature of work

Advise I would like to give:

Since this filed emphasises a lot on creativity, a sound academic background coupled with passion to learn and pursue this highly technical field of engineering will result you acheiving a great success in your career. So Aeronautical engineering will certainly be a promising career option as Btech branch of you have a flair of flying, flights and Flying machines

Hope this information is helpful, If you still require more details, you can reach us through Meracareerguide.com

All the best!

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