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In order to post replies to the question: "What are various job roles one can get after graduating as a Metallurgical Engineer?"
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Counselor at Rajalakshmi Engineering College
Education & Career Counselling, Intervention therapies for children with learning disabilities. Remedial Training and counselling for Teachers and Parents. Counsellor and Remedial Trainer at Life Healthcare Multi Speciality Rehabilitation Centre, Chennai. Counsellor and Special Educator at Meennakshi Matriculation School, Chennai
Training Expert and Lead Auditor
Rtn. S K Das is an engineer by profession. During his 32 years of career is worked in very diverse field like electrolytic tinning plant, hot rolling of steel, marketing of aluminium rolled products & extrusions, technical training in iron & steel making, power distribution, leather processing, technical education, etc. Mr. Das is thoroughly trained in management, skills and soft skills training in India and abroad. He has trained middle and senior level executive in Stress Management, Work Life Balance, Quality System, Business Excellence, Corporate Ethics, Climate Change, Safety, etc. He was actively involved in Power Reforms in India. Through Distribution Reforms Upgrade Management (DRUM) programme, an initiative of Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, he worked extensively on change management in state electrical utilities. He has trained power utility personnel from countries like Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. He also worked on a World Bank supported project for DABM, the Electricity Board of Afghanistan, as Training Expert giving consultancy on training and development of the utility personnel. He has widely travelled across the continents and is a voracious reader. He takes keen interest in social work, adventure sports, yoga, meditation, etc. He is a PHF member of Rotary International. He is an educationalist at heart and had been in the managing committee of a missionary school in Jamshedpur for more than a decade.
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Mr Tejas is a practicing Career Psychologist. He is a certified Master Trainer of Life Skills from (Khemka Foundation) Delhi and holds more than five year of experience as Career Psychologist and life skill trainer. He has counselled around 50,000+ students over conferences in various part of country .Scholarships and competitive exams are his special areas.
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