Yash Trivedi

What is the difference between computer engineering and information technology?

I don't know in which of the above there will be more of software making. I want to program softwares

by Yash Trivedi
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RE: What is the difference between computer engineering and information technology?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

To the layperson, computer science and information technology may seem like the same thing. In actuality, three fields are typically associated with the study of computers at the college level. Computer engineering, information technology and computer science are all disciplines within the same realm of study. However, each specialty focuses on specific aspects of the field, and careers within the three areas vary greatly.
Computer Science -
Computer scientists are, in fact, scientists. They are focused with the theory of computational applications. That means they understand the "why" behind computer programs. Using algorithms and advanced mathematics, computer scientists invent new ways to manipulate and transfer information. Computer scientists are generally concerned with software, operating systems and implementation. Like Neo in The Matrix, computer scientists can see and make sense of code. Computer science students will learn the fundamentals of different programming languages, linear and discrete mathematics, and software design and development. Computer scientists study the machine itself and understand how and why various computer processes operate the way they do.
Simply put, computer scientists can talk to computers. The field is based in mathematics-the language of computers. Computer scientists understand why computers work and can create a program or operating system that does what you want it to do.
Careers in computer science
Computer science is a rapidly growing field and is expected to see large increases in employment opportunities. High salaries are generally associated with computer science careers. If you're pursuing a computer science degree, the following career paths are open to you:
- Applications software developer. As the creative minds behind applications and programs, software developers design and build programs and applications for computers and technological devices. Angry Birds? A software developer made that. Microsoft Office? That would be software developers again. The median salary for a software developer is $90,530.
- Systems engineer. Operating systems provide the foundation for computers and devices to function. Microsoft Windows, Linux and iOS are examples of types of operating systems. Systems engineers design and create those types of systems for use in personal computers, phones and even cars. The median pay for systems engineers is $94,180.
- Web developer. Web developers are not graphic designers. Graphic designers create the images you see on websites; web developers program the code that makes a website function. Web developers integrate the graphics, audio and video into the site and monitor the site's traffic, performance and capacity.

Computer Engineering
To put it bluntly, computer engineers make computer parts work together. Computer engineers are responsible for the research, design and development of computer equipment like circuit boards, microchips, routers, video cards, etc. Some universities may treat this discipline as an off-shoot of electrical engineering.
It is beneficial for computer engineers to have a grasp of computer science. Computer engineers often deal with hardware-to-software integration, meaning they have to design and build processors and hardware that can support a given program. As technology advances and our devices become smaller and smaller, a main goal of computer engineers is to create microchips and microprocessors that work economically and efficiently.
Computer engineering students will study concepts in computer science, engineering and mathematics. By combining these three fields, computer engineers are able to solve hardware problems and create state-of-the-art machines that can handle the many tasks computers perform
Information Technology
Information technology (IT) may adopt the monikers information systems or systems administration. Essentially, IT professionals are the users of technology. IT utilizes existing operating systems, software and applications in tandem to create a larger system that solves a specific business problem. IT constructs a network from established building blocks to carry out a task, such as an automated supplies ordering service.
Due to the nature of the work, IT professionals are more likely to interact with clients and co-workers outside of their department. They may help explain to a client how to solve technology problems or work with executives and business owners to construct a technology plan that will meet their business needs.

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RE: What is the difference between computer engineering and information technology?

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