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salary structure in homeopathy field
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Dear student,Thankyou for your interest in the field of homeopathy and for turning to meracareerguide for answers to your queries regarding the same.Homeopathy is a field of alternative medicine whcih can be practiced in India after a Degree or Diploma in Homeopathy (BHMS/DHMS).The salary structure would vary depending on where you work. If you work in a hospital setting, you can get about Rs. 15000 to Rs. 25000 per month depending n the competence of the doctor and the hospital set-up. For homeopaths, private practice is a very good avenue with lot of freedom and opportunities to earn a lot. The key to earning well through private practice though, is the ability to win the trust of the patients so that they stick to their treatment for a long time. This is because homeopathic treatment is often prolonged.
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Career Counsellor, Mentor, teacher & Management & Deramatoglyphic Certified Consultant
Head of Admissions at IIPM, provide guidance to those who wants to take admission in management and marketing field also conduct psychometric tests of the candidates to know their interest and aptitude.
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Mr Tejas is a practicing Career Psychologist. He is a certified Master Trainer of Life Skills from (Khemka Foundation) Delhi and holds more than five year of experience as Career Psychologist and life skill trainer. He has counselled around 50,000+ students over conferences in various part of country .Scholarships and competitive exams are his special areas.
Educationist/Director at Ashoka Education Foundation
Mr Dr.Jawahar is a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Washington. He had conducted 1202 seminars across the globe globe on various education and corporate issues with leading media houses and the UNO. He had been awarded Bharat Shiksha Ratna Samman Man of the Year-India by the US State for exemplary service in social education. He is also a author of Bestselling International Parenting Guide "Mama and Me". He is Vice President of the Chattisgarh Chapter of NHRD Network
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