
Shivam Kapoor

What is the scope of aerospce engineering in India

aerospace Engineering in India opportunities

by Shivam Kapoor
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RE: What is the scope of aerospce engineering in India

Dr. Nandini  Narayanan
Dr. Nandini Narayanan
Verified Career Expert
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
  • Bangalore

Dear student,

Thanks for posting your query on CareerGuide.com!!!

To begin with I would like to appreciate your interes in a different specialisation of engineering, i.e. aeronautical or aerospace engineering.

It is a field of engineering which deals with the technical aspects and mechanism of all flying objects like jumbo jets, spacecrafts, etc. It also deals with navigation systems, radars and other communication systems. Thus their work involves design of aircraft parts, testing aviation systems, improvement, quality management and maintenance of all these equipments.

It is generally believed that this is a rare field to pick with limited scope in India. Generally companies abroad are good payers and provide a lot of opportunities. However, with reference to the scope of this field in India, I must say it will open your avenues to a relatively unexplored and niche market.

One of the obvious openings would be in the aviation industry. India's aviation industry is quite large with many public and private players in the market. THe private passenger fleet alone in India is approximately 300-350 aircrafts across all service providers. The importance of the role of aerospace engineers in the upkeep of these aircraft cannot be stressed upon enough.

Other than this, you can apply for jobs at research organisations like the Indian Space Research Organisation - ISRO. It deals with very specific research in the field of sattelite and space research, and is the Indian equivalent of NASA ( www.nasa.gov/). You could also explore other private companies in the field of aviation for research and development related jobs. GE Aviation is one such example.

Another opening area would be the military with importance of such engineers in maintaining, testing and developing defence systems related to aviation and in research setups like the DRDO ( www.drdo.gov.in/).

A new area of work is the fast-moving locomotives industry which is developing in India.

So I would say there are many career opportunities for this specialisation in India.

Hope this information is useful for you.

Good luck!

Dr. Nandini Narayanan

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RE: What is the scope of aerospce engineering in India

Gomathi Venkat
Gomathi Venkat
Verified Career Expert
Managing Director at GV Counseling Group
  • Bengaluru

Dear aspirant

Thanks for approaching us at CareerGuide.com!!!

Aerospace is a high technical engineering branch of science and recently it has gained very good recognition both at national and international job market. The study of aerospace engineering involves the design, construction, development and testing of space crafts and commercial air crafts. Students often confuse between aeronautical engineering and aerospace engineering and they think both are the same. Aero space is about studying or working with any crafts that runs in space where as aeronautical only deals with commercial air crafts. With a aerospace degree you will learn both about space and vehicles but with an aeronautical degree you will learn only about space vehicles.




After completing an aero space engineering degree, you have the following options to work for

  1. NASA( www.nasa.gov/) -

National aeronautics and space administration that is located in usa, has excellent opportunities for aerospace engineers. For people who wanted to work abroad in space research organisation and especially in usa, NASA is the best option.

2.ISRO( www.isro.gov.in/) -

Indian space research organisation is based in India and this is the main national space research laboratory for India. Students with physics, maths, statistics and aerospace engineering degrees are the often invited candidates to work at this national space centre. They have a wide range of internship, summer projects and full time opportunities for students both while studying and after studying. I know a candidate who did his degree from IISC Bangalore, interned at ISRO and then after graduation, did her full time job at ISRO, and are now working at the NASA full time in USA.

3. Air craft manufacturing companies - Many air craft manufacturing and space vehicle manufacturing companies like the boeing, air bus are all top recruiters for students with aerospace engineering degree. You can work at these companies in design, development manufacturing and testing of the air crafts.
4. Air craft engine manufacturers - Engine manufacturers like the General electric ( www.ge.com), rolls royce( www.rolls-royce.com/) also employs aerospace engineering degree holders. You will be specifically working at the design and testing of engines alone at these companies.
5. Design and development research - You can also do developmental research at research and development departments at the above companies or in fact engage in research at universities. To do resaerch at universities, mostly a masters or a PhD degree is required therefore you can consider studying these degrees in aerospace engineering.
All the best for your career.

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RE: What is the scope of aerospce engineering in India

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