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Meet the top active Career Guidance Counsellors of Udipi of CareerGuide for the last 30 days. This section is refreshed everyday taking the activity of last 30 days. You can connect with any of the Career Experts by just clicking on the “Ask” button.
#1 Active Career Counsellor of udipi
Founder at Jesta Foundation
We provide career counselling and placement service to our free one ring help desk. and also provide Human resource management service to rural small and medium scale enterprise. I have founded Social enterprise called Jest Foundation,which is working for the betterment of rural youth development in the area of education,employment,skill development and entrepreneurship development area.Our activities are need based and youth oriented.
Education / Skill DevelopmentHealthcarePharmacistsHumanistic StudiesSocial WorkerView more »
Meet the most reviewed Career Experts of Udipi of CareerGuide. This section is based on all time rating provided by students. This list displays Career Counselling Experts who are most popular in their category and has received the most number of reviews till date. Check out the student’s reviews to get the best Career Counselling.
#1 Reviewed Career Counsellor of udipi
Mananger at Etoe Group/Career Counselor
Mr Alok is an IIM/NIT(Shillong) graduate with a great interest towards career counseling being associated alumni hub he had been counseling students aspiring for lucrative career in various field by clearing exams like CAT, GRE, AIEEE, GMAT etc. Currently he is working as Manager Financial planning, Analysis and Strategy Development. He specializes in financial Analysis, Business Modeling, Project management etc. with his extensive experience in the field of Management and Finance he now excels in his field of counseling student regarding it.
Education / Skill DevelopmentLecturersBanking / Insurance & FinanceFinancial PlannersResearch AnalystView more »
#2 Reviewed Career Counsellor of udipi
Managing Director at GV Counseling Group
Ms. Gomathi holds PG Diploma Guidance and Counseling and Counseling Psychology. She is a managing director of GV Counseling Group from past 14 years now and had been working in the field of Counseling for more than 20 years . She had conducted many successful workshops and seminars at schools, colleges and universities covering her area. Her work area in which she excels includes career counseling and counseling psychology.
AgricultureNutritionistsAgriculture & Allied FieldsScience & ResearchStatisticianView more »
#3 Reviewed Career Counsellor of udipi
Applied Psychologist And Career Counselor
Ms.Indumathi is a certified counselor. She has completed Msc Psychology, PGDSOH, Post graduate diploma in Guidance and counseling and a Certification in counseling skills. She is an Applied Psychologist and practicing counseling from past 10 years. She is associated with Abhudhaya NGO as a Applied Psychologist to assist in projects with students, schools and teachers. She is also working as a Project lead for one of the 500 fortune company.
Humanistic StudiesPsychologistsCareer counselorResearch AssistantView more »
#4 Reviewed Career Counsellor of udipi
Career Counselor/ Subject Matter Expert in Management
Mr. Sugant is pursuing doctoral research in Management. He had over 25 years of experience in education management during which he had guided hundreds of students to choose the right career. He is a Founding Head of the MBA program at the SBM Jain College of Engineering affiliated to VTU. Currently he is working as a National Business Head at HCL Career Development Center where he works on, academic delivery and operations of a nation-wide franchisee network and enterprise/ institutional training.
Management & MarketingEvent ManagementAdvertisingHospital ManagementHuman Resource ManagementView more »
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