Megha Agarawal Career Expert

Megha Agarawal

Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades

Megha Agarawal

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About Megha Agarawal

I am a designer by profession and an artist by heart. I believe in design as a problem solving process and am interested in solving social problems through system thinking. My professional experience lies in Design Research and core Visual Communication Design: Graphic, web-design, film & video communication, design training to artisans and creative workshops with children. Specialties: Design Thinking and Management, Visual narratives, Motion Pictures and Video Communication, Interaction design, Experience Design, Interdisciplinary design, Design Research and Designing for Children

Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, is a career counsellor based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat area. View all career counsellors from Ahmedabad


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Hello Shelly! Its great blessing to have so many talents and more importantly to recognize them. While knowing about these creative bent, one needs to know the reason for you to choose Btech and what stopped you from pursuing other courses like [Fashion design][1] as you have mentioned. Which year of Btech are you in? Probably we can figure out the best options for you under the given circumstances once we know your priorities and present (social?) pressures. [Is Anchor your Ideal Career? Take Ideal Career Test to know -->Click Here][2] =====================================================

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Hello Anish,I am not sure if this will be helpful as reply is too late. However, I would just like to say that there are more than enough opportunities floating around in web design domain if you are a good designer, specially in and around mumbai. All the best!

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Check for HCI courses offered by IDC IIT Bombay by Prof. Aniruddha Joshi and courses offered my Human factors and IDEO.

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Please give me more specific details - college name, no. of years of course, affiliation etc of your Graduation college to be able to answer this question.

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Given the interests you have mentioned, I think Industrial Design (Product design/Interaction design/Transportation and vehicle design) could be good fields for you - which if learned from good colleges - will also convert to lucrative job options!Some good colleges offering these courses are IDC-IIT Bombay, NID - Ahmedabad/Banglore, MIT - Pune, Srishti - Banglore etc.All the best!

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Everything is best and everything has become competitive.. so the key is to find your field of interest and we can help you find best route to achieve success in that!All the best!

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

[Both BFA and animation have enormous scopes][1] in viz. BFA - graphic design, advertising, print media, painting, sculpture and so on. Animation - core animation, e-learning, film and video editing and so on. You need to decide what interests you more, also the selection of institute will decide opportunities in initial stage as it provides a good launching pad however in long run, its only your work that would matter. Regarding BFA - its a 4 yr graduation course, are you willing to spend that much time for it after already having a graduate degree in commerce? I suggest shorted diplomas in

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

[Both BFA and animation have enormous scopes][1] in viz. BFA - graphic design, advertising, print media, painting, sculpture and so on. Animation - core animation, e-learning, film and video editing and so on. You need to decide what interests you more, also the selection of institute will decide opportunities in initial stage as it provides a good launching pad however in long run, its only your work that would matter. Regarding BFA - its a 4 yr graduation course, are you willing to spend that much time for it after already having a graduate degree in commerce? I suggest shorted diplomas in

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

The earning could be anything between 1 lakh to 15 lakh per year in this field depending on your qualification and expertise. For being able to through institute names, we will need more specific question from your side.

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014

Hi Shekhar!Its good decision to upgrade your skills and move up in career, probably a decision that you should have taken much before on your career path. But better late than never. I would suggest that with a 7 yrs of experience, you must leverage your experience to move up the leader to be a project leader, for which you dont just need to keep learning new softwares but probably take up some courses like HCI (Human computer interaction design) courses and design/heuristic analysis courses, which will immediately place you one step above your present profile.Such short term courses are offer

Answered by: Megha Agarawal, Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades, on July 09, 2014