Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo Career Expert

Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo

Career Counselor, Educational Innovator, Psychologist

Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo

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About Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo

Prof. (Dr.) B. L. Handoo has been for over 40 years in the field of Education; teaching, training, mentoring, counselling, advising managements and helping Schools to build Systems and adopt Quality School Governance. Prof. Handoo is a M.A (English), M.Ed. (Gold Medallist) Researched Extensively at RCE Ajmer for Ph. D. In Cognitive Psychology and was Awarded a Doctorate in Educational Psychology by CU-USA. He has established Schools, been a VC of a University and Consultant to NIIT and Advisor to Next Education.

 Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo, Career Counselor, Educational Innovator, Psychologist, is a career counsellor based at Noida, Uttar Pradesh area. View all career counsellors from Noida


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Hello! For being a Professor in India, one needs to be a Post Graduate in the Subject and have a Ph. D. Degree. Indian Universities require a candidate to Qualify in the National Eligibility Test (NET).  With the number of Universities, Management & Engineering Colleges having increased manifold; the scope of being a Professor in India are better. One has to have subject depth & expertise, love for the subject and students, creative thinking and logical approach to be successful, Foreign Universities demand extensive Basic Research, Publications and Subject Expertise. For

Answered by: Prof (Dr.) B.L Handoo, Career Counselor, Educational Innovator, Psychologist, on February 11, 2014