
Mohammed Sahil Zain

Is the scope of being Professor in India more than in USA or any foreign countries?

I am confused and i am looking for help to sort this out

by Mohammed Sahil Zain
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RE: Is the scope of being Professor in India more than in USA or any foreign countries?

Prof (Dr) BL Handoo
Prof (Dr) BL Handoo
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor, Educational Innovator, Psychologist
  • Noida

Hello! For being a Professor in India, one needs to be a Post Graduate in the Subject and have a Ph. D. Degree. Indian Universities require a candidate to Qualify in the National Eligibility Test (NET).

With the number of Universities, Management & Engineering Colleges having increased manifold; the scope of being a Professor in India are better. One has to have subject depth & expertise, love for the subject and students, creative thinking and logical approach to be successful,

Foreign Universities demand extensive Basic Research, Publications and Subject Expertise. For studious people, interested in innovation & research; the scope of being a Professor is every where. Selection procedures are tough, compensation packages are very good but ultimately two things will matter: candidates (Professors) ability to relate him/herself to the culture and the Ethos, Standard, Accreditation & reputation of the University.

RE: Is the scope of being Professor in India more than in USA or any foreign countries?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Dear Friend

It is not the point of discussion where is thescope of being professor in india or USA or somehwere else
. You should try to understand the role of professor and how a person becomes professor, as we know any country in the world the course structure and requirement level for any subject remains same whether you are in india or abroad. Although you can discuss the opprtunity hee and there that varies country to country which is entirely based on the capabilty and affordibilty which raises the number of university versus number of the students yearwise accordingly they allocate the fund for a particular position at higher level.
Many other reasons are there at national policy level which decides the opportunity as per the demand in a particular university, as we know indian govt is inclined to open central univeristy in each state which has already been established in many states similarly NIT, IISER are being established which is being governed by MHRD and giving all facilities to conduct the academic exersices, still manpower sacrcity is there in each unit. Though qualified candidtates are looking for the right opportuities in these central and deemed universities. Now a days there is a mushrumious growth of private university offering you jobs on temporarory as well as regular basis which is beng multipled day night, even student strength is being higher than govt university which also charge the hefty amount for the uniques course structure and program. It is quite speculative that country like india where pouplation is being swelling in 10x and still govt is not able to afford ebasic education then how come one can expect the higher degree though private sector is offering you the destination for both learning and earning. It is a good sign that you have the various scopes at academic level to get engaged but always be ready to work there with the imposed trems and conditions.
In conclusive remark I must say India is having larger population based oportunity as compared to abroad which attracts the young and dynamic indian scholars to serve the education system, not only countrymen even scholars, scientists and professor from other countries.
So be prepared for the good job in india and stop the brian - drain.
good luck

RE: Is the scope of being Professor in India more than in USA or any foreign countries?

Dr Aparna
Dr Aparna
Verified Career Expert
PhD Organizational Psychology
  • Hosur

Frankly answering, I would definitely say YES to your question. Honestly, professors abroad have wide growth options as compared to professors within our own nation. I am not biased, I am answering this question based on my experience and observation from tutoring in a foreign country. I shall explain some of the advantages of being a professor abroad compared to working in our own nation.

1. Access to professional development opportunities:
There are certain professional development opportunities that are available at ease for professors working abroad compared to professors working in India. This is very evident at least in the field of social sciences like the Psychology and Management. For an example, universities abroad help their professors with funding to study professional development programs like the Chartered positions. Almost 85% of the professors abroad in the field of Psychology are Chartered Psychologists where as in India professors still find a hard time to seek funding for such professional development programs. Similarly in the field of human resource management, almost majority of the professors will hold CIPD qualification, known as chartered Human resource professional. In India, again such opportunities are hardly seekable by our Indian professors. Very few professors at some of the leading institutions get access to these development opportunities and still some of the state university professors are struggling to these professional development.
2. Access to funds for establishing research centres:
This is one hard true that I have come across. Obtaining millions of funds to establish a research centre is very easy in foreign universities where as it is easy in India. The cost to establish state of the art research centres is usually high abroad compared to India and also establishing one is relatively easy there.

3. Research networking opportunities:
There are excellent research groups established across the world and few of the famous research groups are known as "Russel group", "Universitas 21". These groups comprise a set of research leading universities. Russel group has a set of 19 universities formed together for research colloboration where as Universitas 21 is a set of 21 universities. These universities come together to exchange staff and students for conducting research. Only the University of Delhi from India is a part of the Universitas 21 group and India has still a long way to establish research partnerships with foreign universities.

Being a part of these research colloborations is definitely worth for establishing and developing research. It also gives the professors access to funds and research facilities where as in India such colloborations are in minimum.

4. Appreciating multi-cultural diversity:
One of the attractive advantage of working as a professor abroad is the opportunity to appreciate multi cultural diversity that actually lacks in India. This yields a rich work experience for professors abroad.

Though the above points are stated advantages of working abroad, I would also like to mention that Indian professors are definitely on the success run. India is well growing in terms of research development and colloboration. So the professors here have to battle for their opportunities to win.

Indian professors are also well talented as professors abroad but the chances of growth opportunities are relatively high for professors abroad.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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RE: Is the scope of being Professor in India more than in USA or any foreign countries?

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