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Company Secretary - Career Queries

Hello Dear Aspirant, A warm Welcome to Career Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query. Company Secretary career is meant for those students who have an interest in law and especially the corporate Law. CS is a professional degree and so it has a lot of importance and also have a lot of career scope. As the company has act to appoint a certified CS in the company has become mandatory on the parts of the companies and  hence it has given a room for the growth of the CS career in the recent times a students who aspires to make a career in CS needs to register himsel

Hello Dear Aspirant, A warm welcome to Career Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query Company Secretary course is one of the professional degree course for the students who wish to make a career in the corporate law. Usually students enrol for the CS course after 12th If students enrol  for the CS course after 12th then they are needed to undergo through the following set of exams. They are supposed to give a CS foundation exams after completing CS foundation they are supposed to give a CS Executive Group I and II exam.  After completing Cs Executive group a

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Hello Dear Aspirant, A  warm welcome to career Thanks for visiting us and writing us  your career query. How may I write Cs exam in Tamil? Company Secretary is a professional degree and has been gaining a lot of importance and scope day by  day . Company Secretary are the professionals who pratise the corporate law i.e they deal with the legal issues, legal matters. Liasoning of companies etc .Some like Ca and CMA they have  an importance in the same way CS also have gained an importance and value because of growing importance day by day. Every year around 1 lakh

Hello Dear Aspirant, A Warm Welcome to Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query. How many stage of exams are there in CS after graduation? Students who like to practice and have an interest to practice corporate law for them company secretary is a good career option. Company secretary in itself is a prestigious and highly respected profession. Same like CA and CMA,CS is gaining a lot of importance day by day because of its fame . A certified CS has many career opportunities and can make a very bright career To take an admission for CS course student needs to regi

Hello Dear Aspirant, A Warm Welcome to Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query. How many government exams can I apply for after doing B.E from CS. Very often it happens that students are not able to figure out in which area they should make their career whether in private sector or the public sector If we see both the sectors have a good career opportunities and needs to a dedicated and passionate candidates. As you have completed your Engineering from computer science definitely you have many career opportunities available for you have been aspiring to make you

Hello Rohini, A warm welcome to Career Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query. Very few students decide for the career which they wish to go for . Early career planning is very essential in order to select the studies according to it.I am glad that you have been planning for your career at the right time. Company Secretary is a field that deals with the Legal requirements and legal matters of the corporate. Its a professional part time degree course having a great demand and scope. It has become mandatory for the companies to have a CS in their company. Due to this t

Hello Dear Aspirant, A warm welcome to Career Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query Civil Service as a career option has been the preference of many students these days because of the tremendous career opportunities. Civil Service examinations are also called as the UPSC exams. Civil Service examinations are conducted by the Union Public Service Commission every year and hence they are also called as the UPSC exams. Career in Civil Services is one of the respected and prestigious careers. The candidate who wish to serve the society for them Civil Service is a great

Hello Dear Aspirant, A warm welcome to Career Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query. Company Secretary is a new emerging career opportunity for the students who wish to make a career in the corporate sector as the corporate lawyer. CS has gained a lot of importance and great scope these days. As per the companies act it has become mandate on the parts of the companies to appoint the certified CS. CS also have same importance same like CA,CMA. CS is a professional person who handles the legal issues and matters of the companies, liasoning etc things are looked by the