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Hello Sriram, How did you come to a conclusion that Mohit is weak in studies, or rather below average. Have you got him tested, that is his IQ test done? If yes, and the report says so, then fine, but still I would suggest encourage him and not reprimand him negatively. And if without a test you are labelling him based on his score, then stop it immediately or else it would have severe effect on his personality and he would not be able to perform at all. Instead of me suggesting a course, I would recommend an Aptitude test. By knowing his abilities, it would be easi
Hello Akash, Good choice dear. Since you are clear you wish to be a Hindi teacher, then the best option is ARTS stream. So that you can graduate in Hindi subject itself. After graduation, you could opt for a B.Ed course and pursue teaching as a career. Wish you good luck...
Hello Yamini For being a teacher you already have the required qualufication. You are eligible to Apply to Public, Private, State and International School as an Assistant teacher to begin with. Also your subject will be important based on which the institution may decide your pay ( public private and international,) All you need to now is to look for vacancies and to start applying.Remember in this field experience is very important so even if you get a good offer and not a great one do accept and learn.
Hello Deepak, Firstly you have a good set of qualifications. Secondly, choose a masters degree based on the position you want next. You do not wish to stick being in just as a teacher, hence masters degree you wish to pursue. You could pursue a MA in.the same subject you graduated in. Or the subject you are teaching in you could pursue a masters in. Or you could go in for an M.Ed. I am sure the school does have students who are having learning issues and there are special educators to deal with them. But if you pursue M.ed in special education you could provide remedials or modify
Hello Suman, Good. What I dont understand is what is the query then? Please prepare an attractive resume and send it to various schools. You could also log into the schools website and either upload your resume there or send in your resume via mail. Please note mostly schools post or announce their vacancies either on the website or through word of mouth. Job portals do not advertise such vacancies. If any further query do write back to us so that we can help you better. Wish you good luck..
Hello Alefiya, Yes. To pursue a B.Ed, you need to be a Graduate and also have to clear the entrance exam. You could also clear your Graduation through correspondence. Wish you good luck..
Hello Siddharth, Hope you do not shift to any other career or course as such. If you wish to get into teaching, you have 2 options: If you wish to be a high school or primary school teacher or teach in junior college then appear for B.Ed . The minimum eligibility for B.Ed is graduation If you wish to be a lecturer in a degree college, then appear for NET / SET followed by a P.Hd degree. Wish you good luck.
See the minimum qualifications for admission into a B.Ed course. For part time courses Institutes like Amity and IGNOU offer part-time and distance education courses.
Hello Suvidha, Good to see you have already planned your career. Which subject do you wish to teach in school?. Choose your Graduation subject accordingly. After you complete your Graduation, enrol for a B.Ed program, which makes you eligible to work as a school teacher. Wish you good luck...
HelloWelcome to we think about a teacher, a myriad of images and thoughts of our childhood cross our mind. If we try to connect dots to our school days, we can visualize ourselves playing the role of our teachers and trying to mimic them. A teacher is a role model in the life of a school student. Teaching is a profession in which education needs growth and modernization time to time. It's a profession which requires patience, skills, dedication, hard work and creativity. One can pursue his career as a teacher if he is interested in this field or can work as a volunteer
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