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Automobile Engineer - Career Queries

There are a number of exciting things that you can do as an Automobile Engineer. Below is the list of those things with details:1. As an automobile engineer you will get the chance to design the automobiles. The design of cars and other automobiles is often a dream for many people who aspire to become automobile engineer. You will be designing the various parts of the cars and also the outlook and the  various aspects of it. Therefore it would require you to work a lot on the designing part and therefore enjoy your design once it has been manufactured.2. The automobile engineers get the c

Both the things are poles apart from each other and there are both plus and minus points of both, I mean if you are working in an MNC, then you have a stature, a fixed salary which will certainly be paid, whatever comes, but you have to be at beck and call of your boss. On the other hand if you are running your own business, you're your own boss, there's no one to command or control you but you may have to face the slum in business along with the profits. You may seek admission to pursue your degree from a reputed institution to get placed in an MNC so as to earn handsome salary opr else run y

Generally people look down upon an automobile engineer, and it is most commonly done by those who are either illiterate or are not aware of the significance of the degree and its relevance. They are perhaps ignorant of the fact that mechanical/automobile/civil - all the three branches are very much in demand in India as well as foreign countries. there is a wide scope of getting a high salary job after qualifying either of the three. So, rest assured and don't be panic what others think of you, just continue your studies and seek admission at - Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee,...........