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How high you need to score to get into the BAMS program at the school you want to attend is totally up to them. To find out if you qualify for the program, you need to look at the admissions criteria and the cut-off scores. backyard baseball
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Dear aspirant Thank you for approaching counsellors at Ayurvedic physician is a very important career in todays scientific world. Lots of people are afraid of English medicines because of its side effects and therefore more people tend to take ayurvedic medicines to be safe from side effects. To become an ayurvedic physician, it is important to have studied maths and science including biology until 10th class. Added to this, students should also have studied maths, biology and chemistry in 11th and 12th class. AN over all minimum of first class pass is required to study a
Dear aspirant Ayurvedic physicians are most often working as just other medical practitioners work. They are never confined to a room actually. The role of an ayurvedic physician varies depending on his qualification and experience. To become an expert in ayurveda one should most probably study either of these two courses. Diploma in ayurveda practice or a professional medical degree like the BAMS Bachelor of ayurveda medicine and surgery. The diploma is run usually one or three years depending on the educational board and institutions that offer the course. But a BAMS professional degree
Dear aspirant Ayurvedic physician is an equally exciting job just as an MBBS doctor. Most people think that these doctors have got no much facility to diverse their careers but the truth is they have many options than really what a MBBS doctor does. As an ayurvedic physician you can choose to work for major hospitals as a full time ayurvedic parctitioner. You can also set your own private clinic and handle your own patients. Otherwise you can also work part time for some hospitals or private medical clinics. As a full time and part time ayurvedic practitioner you can most often juggle you
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Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
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Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
Educationist/Director at Ashoka Education Foundation
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