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Hello Harry, HRM refers to Human resource management. It is an MBA course, offered by any management Institute, Any graduate after clearing the entrance exam, group discussion and personal interview is eligible for this course. The course covers all aspects of HR, that is needed for the smooth functioning of the organization. Right from recruitments, to payroll, to grievance management to peformance appraisal to exit interviews to training and development. During the course you would be exposed to all these aspects in details. Followed by an internship to get a complete kn
Hello Anamika, The choice would completely depend on your line of interest or area you wish to work in. Please note, if you wish to practice as a dentist whether in association with other hospitals or clinics or on your own, a masters degree whereby you specialise in one particular area is important. If you are interested in Public health and administrative kind of a job, then you could either opt for a masters in Public health or an MBA in Hospitality management courses. Please note that, according to me, pursue a masters dentistry first, because even as a masters
First, understand your interesting fields, Then find out the available courses in that field, Search for the good institutions to pursue that course, Apply for it, crack it. Complete the course and you will definitely find a job as you will be an expert in that field. Good Luck
Hello There, No other option than completing your graduation either fulltime or through correspondence. Unless and until you graduate, you would not be able to pursue higher studies like post graduation or MBA. Also higher positions or promotions would be difficult. Wish you good luck...
Hello Aditya, Please note, as the name suggests EMBA is an Executive MBA program. It is a 1 year course mainly designed for working professionals who wish to advance their careers but not at the cost of their jobs. The EMBA course is designed in a way that the lectures are more case study oriented and interactive. Mostly focusing on problem solving and leadership skills followed by entrepreniual skills and personality development. Please note the course is conducted by well known professionals from the industry itself and are attainded by working exevutives at different level and industr
The best option for you will be any stream of study that you are interested in. You can go for BA/ BSc/ LLB/ BCom/ BBA/ BTech/ BArch/ Bpharm/ BPT/ etc etc based on your qualification and interest. Every course has equal opportunity in the job market, so it is all about your interests. The institute for your graduation is also a matter for you, because the curricular and extra-curricular activities during the course helps you to develop more skills and to make your life more enjoyable. The 3-5 year graduation course should give you more exposure in the field and mold you for the future life. Yo
Hello Gunal, I will ask only one question and your question would be answered. Show me just one person who has no dental issue right from children to teens to adults to senior citizens???. When everyone visits a dentist you can then yourself understand its scope. But just a BDS will not help you survive. Pursuing a masters degree and then latest certifications are a must. Get some experience and then start your own clinic. Wish you good luck...
Hello rakesh, Your quetsion is incomplete. After 2nd year in which stream or course? Anyways please note, if you are talking of a Graduation course after 12th.,, then it is a 3 years course, thus after the 2nd year, you would have to clear the 3rd year compulsorily to be a Graduate. Please do write back being specific as to what you are currently doing, your likes and interest etc, so that we can help you further. Wish you good luck...
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MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Career Counselor
Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
Dental Surgeon, Career Counselor, Enterpreneur
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