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Ask a complete question along with your 10th, 12th and graduation stream and scores.
Take the career tests available at at It will help you a lot. Best wishes, Himanshu
Administration and organization frame the centre of any business' example of overcoming adversity, and the drivers of business administration and organization are experts who put in their ability in overseeing business effectively. Business administration includes making utilization of an organization's accessible assets in running and growing the association's operations, while in the meantime guaranteeing effective conveyance of administrations to the organization's customer base. Business organization deals with taking care of the smooth working of various organization operations - fund, pr
We all want the same, but let's be practical. If you are finding ease in a job, you'll not get the salary. But if you know how to do your job easily, then you have what you want. I assume you are a fresher or kind of confuse about choosing a better career. So, my friend, I insist you read this article - Career after Bcom/ graduation/ opportunities for fresher. Cheers, Rohit, Senior Education Counselor
Career options in entertainment sector includes courses in performing arts, animation, multimedia, music etc. the job opportunities will be in film and television fields. Please search the details of the institutes like lovely professional university, Asian institute, vogue institute, IIMC etc to find courses like Performing arts with specialization in acting/ music/ drama etc. film production, multimedia design, animation etc. You can choose according to your talent and interests.
Wherever you get with a full scholarship or a stipend. Try for abroad if possible. Best wishes, Himanshu
MBA is a great career option.
Don't do such a specialized course. Go for a generic one for a better prospect.
Prepare for CAT/XAT. Also you may apply for IBPS vacancies. Also you may do some online courses available freely from abroad Universities. Best wishes, Himanshu
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Career Counselor/ Director at Educomp Vidyamandir Classes
Chartered Accountant and Educator
Education Entrepreneur, Skill Development Professional, Immigration Expert, Domestic & Int'l Recruitment Consultant
Executive Assistant to Chairman at ITM Group of Institutions
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