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Hi there, Simply I should say, you are well informed. As such [petroleum and oil and gas are specialized fields][1], which require thorough knowledge of engineering. Rather technical knowledge is a math, as it deals with the technicality aspects. So they would require people from technical backgrounds. But looks like you are keenly interested in this industryt. So why dont you pursue a general MBA, with specilaizations related to either Finance or HR, which can help you secure a job in the said industry. I have only mentioned [HR and Finance][2], since these are the 2 departments which
Career Consultant at Pinnacle School of Business Management
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Career Counselor
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Career Counselor and Director at EduWire
Counselor/Mind Power mentor at Rapid MindPower
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