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Hello Rahul, You say, you are not motivated, and there you are pursuing a masters degree and to top it in Math. Does not sound logical? Anyways a student of Math has a ot many options open to him right from private to public sector jobs. You could choose to work as an investment banker, financial advisor, statistician, economists etc. As far as higher studies are concerned, I would suggest, first after your masters degree, get into a job, gain experience and in the meanwhile study the market and the options available as such. Only then opt for some higher studies. In terms of fur
Adventure Tourism People are becoming more curious about new places and new adventures spending quality time on their vacations. Adventure tourism operators guide and supervise tourists aboutexciting outdoor activities, up mountains, and on biking trips through forests and other adventure areas. There is a wide range of activities available in adventure tourism such as rafting, climbing, diving, fishing, canoeing, hiking and sailing. An adventure tourism operator will guide you through your whole adventure journey and educate you about various fun adventures that you could explore according to
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
PhD Organizational Psychology
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Vinay Wardhan - Director at Career Path Solutions
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Manager-Business Development & HR at SEAHATH Group of Companies
Education Counsellor & Overseas Students Recruitment
Executive Director at Educen Learning
Co Founder at Innolat Technologies
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