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i am not very hard working .will science proved to be good for me
60 minutes of Duration
180 Questions
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1M+ Test Taken
Yes, you can succeed in science. In this world human has the power to do anything once he committed. on the other hand you should be realistic and make your realistic plans to achieve your targets. With the proper daily routine management and hard work you can go to sky.
Can, I, Succeed, Science, If, but, avarage are the illusionary words for a person who does not have any interest, knowledge regarding a particular fact. Please come out from this illusionary world and try to understand the world around you and take a closer look of your situation and find the facts about sciences. Science is the nautural phenomenon where it happens irrespective of our interest rather it invites you if you are visilent, happening, and interested to uncover something meanigfull. I am impressed for your confession where you have stated that I am not hard working, I do not know what do you mean by hard working, a rickshawpuller also a harworking but never gets back any cash reaward as one intellectual earns for minutes which does not require a hard work in hours and days. You must be knowing the definition of hard work which is defined by ultimate outcome that counts in currency of socio-economics.
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