
Rohit Dubey

Does BBA offer any specialization like in MBA (HR/ Finance/Marketing etc.)?

by Rohit Dubey
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RE: Does BBA offer any specialization like in MBA (HR/ Finance/Marketing etc.)?

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  • New Delhi

So let’s start with understanding what on earth is BBA. BBA is an acronym for Bachelor of Business Administration.It is an undergraduate Business Management course. It includes? complete knowledge of management and leadership.BBA gives a gateway to pursue professional courses like MBA. The main objectives of the institute offering BBA are to make the candidate an efficient entrepreneur, gain good communication skills and provide basic management skills.

A candidate can pursue BBA in 3 years if he/she goes for the full-time course or 3-4 years if he/she goes for part-time or correspondence. The best part about this course is that a student of any stream in class 12th can apply for it except for the fact that English is a compulsory subject.

BBA is often called BBA Pass Course as it is not subject specific and a student can choose any number of combinations of subjects, apart from 1-2 Compulsory Subjects.Nowadays, some reputed institutes offer specialization in various areas. Usually, the specialization in a subject comes into play in the last year of graduation. Now I’m going to state the areas of specialization available in BBA program course where one can accomplish their dream job.

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Hospital and healthcare management

This field is related to leadership, management, and administration of healthcare centers in various parts of the country. The hospitals and the hospital networks need to be managed efficiently so that the working goes on smoothly, right people are assigned right work, all the resources are used in a well-planned manner and a goal is set for each department.

Due to the need of healthcare facilities many hospitals are continuously being established in our country, hence, the need for their management also increases. Therefore, the scope in this area is never-ending.

Communication and media management

Communication is a very important tool for any kind of organization. Without good communication, no work can be done accurately and deadlines may not meet. There must be a systematic planning of communication networks.

A communication manager designs internal and external communication directives manage the flow of information and the online communication for an organization.

Media management has the functions like strategic management, production management, and marketing management. A media manager supervises and motivates employees, plans and manages the marketing strategies and manages the communication with the other firms as well.

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Finance management

It is rightly said by J.F Bradley,“Financial management is the area of business management devoted to a judicious use of capital and a careful selection of sources of capital in order to enable a business firm to move in the direction of reaching its goals.”

Finance or the capital is the backbone of any firm. The management of finance is thus a task of great responsibility.The finance manager has to efficiently and effectively manage the flow of money so that the capital is used carefully and judiciously wherever needed to achieve a set goal.

Sports management

Gone are the days when everyone considered that there's no scope for sports activities. Nowadays parents encourage their children to make a career in sports, in turn, the sports organizations are concerned in the business aspect of sports. Therefore it has become necessary to efficiently manage these firms.

A sports manager needs to manage the facilities and finance needed to organize the sports activities. This management work is done in various areas like professional sports, college sports, recreational sports etc.

Integrated marketing communications management

Integrated marketing communications(IMC) is a very new approach towards promoting management approach to marketing and communication. IMC is an expansion of marketing strategies to optimize communication within a company. By IMC strategy, companies are able to analyze their audience internally and externally. Companies now have clearer working policies.

An IMC manager focusses on 4C’s for a company that is a consumer, communication, convenience, and cost. An IMC manager is trained to align people, processes, and technology to enable service providers to benefit customers.

Travel and tourism management

People travel from one place to another for pleasure or for business purpose. This traveling within a country or across different countries is termed as tourism. Nowadays tourism industry is one of the biggest sources of income for a country’s? economy. Every year over almost a billion tourists travels internationally. This vast business of tourism needs to be managed methodically. A tourism manager must have the skills and knowledge to manage the business of tourism covering and cross-cultural dealings.

During specialization in tourism management, a candidate is taught how to promote tourism, devising tourist development initiatives, how to increase revenue and marketing.

Hospitality and hotel management

After tourism management let me introduce another area of specialization in BBA which is hospitality and hotel management. The people who travel usually stay at the hotel, motel or resort etc. The responsibility of the hotel manager is to look after the hospitality of the guests, management of hotel staff, business management, revenue management, sales management, accounts, and accounts.

During BBA inHospitality and hotel management, a candidate is trained in the areas of accounting, administration, finance, information system, marketing, human resource management, public relations strategy in the hotel business.

International business

International business is a term for all the business activities like sales, investments, logistics, and transportation which takes place between two or more nations.

If you are seeking a career in international business(IB), BBA with specialization in IB is the best option. A manager in IB is concerned on strategic planning of cross-border transactions, understands the capabilities of the organization required for international operations and also the international marketing, finance, and human resource management.

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So these were some top areas of specialization in Bachelor of Business Administration. There are some others like event management, banking, and insurance, human resource etc. BBA is a very vast course and a candidate can easily enhance his/her managerial, operational, organizational and entrepreneurship skills and get a place in top companies around the world.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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RE: Does BBA offer any specialization like in MBA (HR/ Finance/Marketing etc.)?

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