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Hi.., This is satya .., I have completed my +2 and joined but I am not interested on that career. ! So I just away from it from 3rd year. But i want to get degree in private ., is it have any problem in future to get govt. ?, job in future by that certificate. Give me some career guidance for my question .., pls help me on my career
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Hello Satya,Welcome to Career Guide.comThanks for approaching and writing us your career query.
Satya considering all your details ,you have not mentioned which course exactly you wish to study further from private. Here i would suggest you first of all that as you have taken a drop from the engineering i would suggest you to go for the Career Guides Psychometric Career Assessment because the Career Assessment will give us an insight in which area where exactly your interest lies while it will also give us an insight us on your strengths,abilities,personality trait etc. With this we can chalk out a perfect a career graph for you.
Eventually considering your wish to pursue a course in private. You need to check the Universities affiliation and also need to check whether the university or institute you are thinking to pursue the course in Private is UGC approved or not.These are the two basic things that are to be checked. If these both the things are positive than you can pursue a course in private without any doubt.
In order to get into Government Jobs one needs to have completed there Graduation Degree from an affiliated university and from the UGC approved. For the government exams like UPSC,SSC,DRDO etc.for such exams you should hold a degree from UGC approved institute or university.
While the Distance Learning Courses you can also think of to learn from the UGC approved Universities like IGNOU,YCMOU,AMITY University,Sikkim Manipal University,MGU etc. These are the UGC approved Universities and there degrees are considered for the Government Exams.
If the Private Institute is UGC approved with University Affiliation than you can take a further step for the admission.
I hope you find this information relevant to your career query.
Wish you Good Luck
Feel free to get in touch again,
Thank You
Warm Regards,Prathamesh K.
Dear Satya,
Thanks for writing to us. We appreciate your query. Well, you said, you are not interested pursuing BTech and left it. You are concerned about the Govt. job.
I did not mention what made leave the BTech course from 3rd year and what you course do you want to pursue from private. Do you want to pursue the same (BTech) course from private institute?
In order to answer you query, I am using two assumptions: (1) You left the BTech course but now you want to pursue it from private institute. (2) You want to study but not sure what should you do.
(1) You can pursue BTech from private institute recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) or All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). If you are not sure about specific branch in engineering, then I would recommend you to take up Enginnering Branch Seletcor test at before you decide doing any engineering course. This test will help you understand your interest and aptitude for specific branch of engineering. After the test, you can talk with me or your preferred counselor to get expert guidance on career choice.
For decent Govt job in engineering or technology field, graduate is required. You may get entry into Govt job either through direct recruitment or through competitive exams conducted by respective Govt department or UPSC.
(2) If you want to study but not sure which course to pursue then I would recommend you to take Ideal Career Test at This test will help you understand your strengths, interest and personality tests and based on them it will recommend career field. After the test, you can talk with me or your preferred counselor to get expert guidance on career choice.
If you are interested in Govt. jobs specifically then you can do graduation in any stream (Commerce/Arts/Science) and prepare for UPSC's civil service exams.
Remember, it is never late to begin your study. If you want to change the field, you still have time. This is very crucial time in your life. Your today's action will determine your future. Therefore, I recommend you to talk to career experts and take informed decision.
Hope this is helpful to you. If you still have querries, feel free to write to us. We will help you take informed career choice.
Best Wishes,Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
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