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There is a huge relevance of having excellent communication skills if you are keen to work as a geographer. Below are the points that would help you understand the importance of having command at communication skills for you in this profession:
As a geographer you need to stay in touch with the media agencies and need to send them the newsletter, press releases, important information from time to time. This requires you to be really good at your communication skills. It's not just about the written communication skills but also the oral communication skills as you may be required to meet media persons regularly and even conduct the press conferences.
As a geographer you will be conducting many seminars and conferences on the regular basis. In such events you will be required to give presentations, address larger audience and answer the questions. All that requires extremely good communication skills so that you can maintain the connect with them and help them understand your work in a clear and precised manner. Remember that your overall communication skills matter and not just the verbal. That means you need to practice a lot on the gestures and your body language to make the effective communication.
You need to communicate with your peers and the management. Not all the times you and your team will be working in a same office space. Therefore you will have to maintain the communication through other electronic channels such as emails, telephones, video conferencing etc. In such cases you need to pass on the information correctly so that it becomes convenient to work and collectively produce the desired results. Having the right communication skills will help you to leverage your team's effort in to a more productive work. Even if you all are working in a same office still it is very much important to have nice communication skills. How well you communicate with them determines your worth as a geographer because then only you will be able to provide valuable contribution.
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Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Ms.Deepali is a graduate from Delhi university. She excels in providing personal guidance at the critical stages of making choices for education at any level be it Grade 10th or Post Graduate Level.she had over 12 year of experience in the field of education and counselling. she had worked with education UK, British council India and Canadian education center India.currently she is a director of NovaEdu ,advising students on education and career in India and abroad.
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