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DearWelcome to CareerGuideWe are more than happy to guide you towards a proper career.Great! Great to speak to you. You do have a different thinking. I like to speak to people with different attitude. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals are really lucrative and they offer handsome salary package.
Enrollment into the chemicals and pharmaceuticals field is possible with the basic degree of BSc Chemistry and other science related courses. B Pharm, M Pharm are other courses which offers a different entry area. Also we have so many courses in Chemical Engineering. MBA also offers another entry into this field.But you must make sure that you are born for this. There are lot of psychometric assessment tools to know your personality, skillset, aptitude and attitude. Take one of those assessment and find out what is in you. After knowing, you can polish your skills in order to gain maximum potential. In my opinion, career is life style. Career is self actualization and self satisfaction. Salary comes secondary and passion comes primary.Hope this answers your query. Good luckDr. K V Anand
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