
Rohit Dubey

How University of Delhi’s BMS program is equivalent to BBA program?

by Rohit Dubey
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RE: How University of Delhi’s BMS program is equivalent to BBA program?

Verified Career Expert
Content Developer at CareerGuide.com
  • New Delhi

BMS (Bachelor’s in Management Studies)


Bachelor’s in Management Studies is a program that concentrates mainly on analytical and logical oriented studies and to help students develop their analytical and logical skills that are required.

Students can specialize through BMS in Marketing, Finance, HRM, Management of Services, Management of Global Business & Tourism Management etc. The subjects that are studied under this program are Finance & Cost Accounting, Industrial Law, Business Law, Computer Application in Business, Quantitative Methods for Business, Business Environment, Principles of Management, Production Management, Export – Import Procedures, Managerial Economics, Econometric, International Finance etc .but may differ from college to college.


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BBA (Bachelor’s in Business Administration)

Bachelor’s in Business Administration is a program that deals with Administrative studies. It is basically designed to give students a basic knowledge of all the functions that are involved in a company for example marketing, finance, human resource management, etc. the subjects that are studied are Accounting, Business Law, and Ethics, Economics, Financial Management, Human resource management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational behavior. Quantitative techniques (business statistics, financial mathematics, operations research) and Strategic Management.


It too has various specializations namely Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Real Estate, Human Resource Management, International Business, Information Technology, Legal Management, Design Management, Management, Management information systems, Marketing, Operations management, Supply chain management, Public Relations, Aviation Management.


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How BMS is similar or different from BBA

 BMS give candidates an exposure to management at an undergraduate level. The subjects that one may study are similar to those that are taught in an MBA college. You will develop holistic knowledge on management after this course.

Therefore BMS can be said as a subcourse from BBA with few a more concentrated areas,they are analytical and logical oriented studies.
BMS will give you an option to choose one specialization out of marketing, finance, HR and global business.In your final year.

However, usually, it is found that a B.M.S. course is more focused on developing the managerial skills that would be required to become a good manager. B.B.A. generally involves all the knowledge that would be required for the administration at various levels of a company.B.B.A. puts more emphasis on the leadership and management skills.

As BMS is from Delhi University, one can get much better placements, campus, and exposure.It requires an entrance through which one can be selected.It has a lot of competition.

As course BBA is much better than BMS but there are others factors as well. BMS is comparatively a new course and is meant for people from diverse educational backgrounds. Whereas, BBA is more reputed and is meant for people mainly from commerce background.Coming to the scope of BBA and BMS.


Careers available for BBA graduates:


  • Banks
  • Professional Organizations and MNC’s
  • Marketing organizations
  • Educational Areas and bodies
  • Logistics Companies
  • E-commerce organizations
  • Data analysis Organization
  • Consulting Firms
  • Finance and Investment Firms


Careers available for BMSgraduates:


  • Budget Planning.
  • Educational Institutes.
  • Entrepreneurial Ventures.
  • Financial Services.


By this, it is clear that BBA has more career paths compared to BMS.

The curriculum of BBA is more rigorous and consists of various industry relevant courses which will help you find a good job. On the other hand, BMS consists of various diverse subjects, which will give good exposure but it wouldn’t provide you in-depth knowledge.

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Also, if one is planning to an MBA after your graduation, then BBA would be the better option whereas if one is planning to take a placement it's good to do BMS at Delhi University which is equal to BBA,that is securing admission in Delhi University for its BMS programme, it’s an equally good option. Otherwise, BBA would be better option anyway.

Therefore it can be said pursuing BMS at Delhi University which fetches good career through placements is equally good doing BBA,even though BBA has a bright scope.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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RE: How University of Delhi’s BMS program is equivalent to BBA program?

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