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Dear Career aspirant
Hi Janimeet,
This is the situation mostly all students face whikle choosing a acreer.
BNut there is nothing to worry.
One may get advises from Parents, frinds, teachers and coaches.Though I do not say that you should not l,isten to their advises, but realising ones own potentials and then chosing is extremely important.
Here I would advise you to undergo an Aptitude tests, available here also at Mera career guide.
An Aptitude tests woulkd reveal your abilities and your potentials in 5 areas:
Logic: The capacity to reason and ability to deduce answers. required mostly in all fields.
Numerical : Mainly your ability to understand basic of numbers and play with numbers. Mainly required for students who wish to take up Financial related careers like Banking, Stock markets, CA
Spatial : Ones ability to visualise when object is not present. Mostly required for students who wish to opt for creative fields like designing, architecture, media especially advertisement, web designing etc
Mechanical : Ones ability to understand the basics of functioning of machines. Mainly for students who wish to get into technical fields like engineering, product designing,
Verbal: Ones ability to communicate and being expressive. Mostly required in all fields, but majorly for students who wish to become editors, journalists, literature professionals.
Though a combination of each factors is required to help you choose a career, but the results will give you a clear picture where your abilities lie, and will help you make a confirmed choice
Wish you good luck.........
Dear Aspirant,
Having confusions in career choice is natural. You should definitely know your own interests, since always remember that if you decide a career where your interests do not lye, then it would be a blunder and would result in depression and frustration.
In your case of confusion, it is always best to rely on scientific method in order to arrive at a conclusion and choice of career option.
Psychometric Tests can be the a very good way to ascertain your own capabilities, aspirations, strengths, likings and interests.
To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo an online psychometric test from CareerGuide which will help you understand yourself in respect of your strengths, weaknesses, emotional quotient, etc. and will exactly tell you which career is ideal for you.You can then call counsellors to discuss.
Best wishes!
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