

I have make library automation course.But I don't they subject

I have passed M.Lib & Sc. I am working in engg. coll. as an assistant librarian.Our college will perches library software.They subject just a little knowledge.Therefore I have make this course in pune.

by Rohiniahire
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RE: I have make library automation course.But I don't they subject

Dr. K.V. Anand
Dr. K.V. Anand
Verified Career Expert
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
  • Palakkad

Welcome to CareerGuide.com
We are more than happy to help you through to a perfect career.

Great! Great to speak to you. I like to talk to people who think in different way. You are one among such people who think different.

I meet very few people who are qualified librarians and have the skills necessary for it. Attending and graduating in Library Science has become an easy task nowadays with the advent of correspondence courses. But we can meet very few people who are really skilled in that field and i thin you are one among that few. That could be the reason why you are going further. That could be reason you went for the library automation course.

I think you are going in the right direction. Starting as an assistant librarian is the way to go. Of course the salary will be low. It is because of your experience. Once you gain knowledge and experience, you will be costly commodity in the market. Gain knowledge and experience. Work with passion. Do not leave any stone unturned. This is where young people do mistakes. They expect so much and do nothing to improve their knowledge and skills.

Also you can take some psychometric assessments to know your personality, aptitude, attitude and skill sets. Once you know them you can manipulate them as per and to suit your convenience. Make sure you approach your career positively. Career is passion., salary comes second.

I am sure that this answers your query.
Good luck.

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