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I am moderate student .passed my 10th at 2003 with 68%,+2 with 48%(2005),then I have done diplo
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Dear friend, as you haven't mentioned what subjects you studied in your 12 class and what diploma have you done it is difficult to imagine which sector suits you most.
You have hinted atyour past academic performance level but it also is not revealing much about your aptitude, interests or personality.
Academic achievement is an important criteria to decide about the field of work where you would fit better, but this is not the only criteria.
If you have been studying subjects where your aptitude and interests do not lie then you don't have good chances of succeeding in those subjects.If the subjects that you choose really fascinate you and are according to your abilities and personality then in such subjects you can do muchbetter. You will also be able to make suitable career choices, according to your aptitude and interest.
Thus, if you really are unsure about the field of work where you would be more successful you might consider taking aptitude test. You can take the help of a psychometric assessment professional. She can interpret the results of your aptitude test and help you choose the field of study as well as field of work. All the very best.
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