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I'm thinking about CS,CWA, and LLB distance
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Hi, good idea, ther is no graduate course in law through distance education. but its good prog , you can pursue las pg diploma programmes in distance education1) university of hyderabad2) Nalsarthe above universities are offering good programmes through distance, you can see the details on there websites.i would suggest more programmes if you want for your better career growth.thnx 4 asking your question in this community/group.
NALSAR University Of Law, Hyderabad, invites applications for One year Distance Education Programmes in the following courses:P.G. Diploma in Patents LawP.G. Diploma in Cyber LawsP.G. Diploma in Media LawsP.G. Diploma in International Humanitarian LawEligibility:Any GraduateThe Application Form to be downloaded from the website www.nalsarpro.orgFor further details contact: The Co-ordinator NALSAR Proximate Education Justice City, Shameerpet, Hyderabad-500 078.Admission Closes on20th May, 2013programmes offered by u niversity of hyderabad :
PGDPM(Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management)PGDLAN(P.G. Diploma in Library Automation & Networking)PGDCAQM(Post-Graduate Diploma in Chemical Analysis & Quality Management)PGDCL&IPR(P.G.Diploma in Cyber Laws & Intellectual Property Rights)PGDBM(Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management)PGDCE(Post-Graduate Diploma in Communicative English)PGDENM(Post-Graduate Diploma in Energy Management)PGDCJ&FS(Post-Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science)PGDG(Post-Graduate Diploma in Governance)PGDHR(Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights)PGDTSH(Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies in Hindi)PGDTC(Post-Graduate Diploma in Tele-Communications)PGDMC&TTT(PGD in Mass communication and translation techniques in Telugu )PGDMB(Post-Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botony)PGDCE(Post-Graduate Diploma in Consumer Education)PGDSRD(Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development)PGD-TMA(Post-Graduate Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture)Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)Introduction :The programme is aimed at imparting knowledge and skills in Project Planning and Management. The programme offers courses that span the macro-economic environment of projects, principles of management and functional areas of management among others. The course is uniquely designed to provide the most refined skills in understanding economic aspects of planning coupled with managerial aspects. It addresses the professional needs of managers, executives and industrialists engaged in planning, management and execution of projects of varied nature by providing them with the necessary theoretical orientation and also discussion and analysis of practical problems in project appraisal/feasibility, apart from management of finance, marketing and human resources.
Hello Friend,Hope you are doing well and studying hard for your Chartered accountancy exam . The best part about CA course is that its correspondence but requires lot of effort & hardwork.Since you want to pursue some other course along with CA I would suggest the following which will help you in pursuing your CA in best manner as well adding another qualification:1) CWA:Since you are pursuing articleship that means you are in IPC so the moment you clear your IPC or complete your graduation, you get exepmtion in CWA & CS. So this can be a best option as in the long run if you apply for job in industry (manufacturing units) you will be gi en preferencs.2) CS:Same is with CS , so you can pursue CS along with CS. Its more into theory i.e. law. So if you have interest in learning & applying law practiclly then go for it.3) LAW:Doing LLB along with the CA is adeadly combination if you want to pursue your career as CA/LAW practitioner. There will be no limit to your growth. So if you think that you will do better in consultancy fielad then go for LLB.4) Other Courses:Other cousres which you can pursue are:
Hello My Dear Career Aspirant,
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. K.V Anand is a PhD in Counseling Psychology from Fort Jones University USA with MSc In Applied Psychology and MS in Psychotherapy. He is an expert in psychometric tests to facilitate awareness about various psychological traits, personality, skills, aptitude etc. He is a Certified Motivation trainer and personality development trainer. He is experienced in evaluating of psychology or psychiatry cases. Uses Psychometric tests such as personality, bipolar disorder test evaluation, student counseling. He has more than 9 years experience in soft skill training field covering career guidance, education, motivation, personality development, team building, leadership skills, stress management, conflict management, decision making. Beside this he is a active writer and have books related to psychology under his name such as “Adolescence mental Problems” and ”Infant and Child Psychology”
Consulting Psychologist
Dr. Apurva is a doctorate and a post graduate in clinical psychology from the M S University of Baroda. He is an alumnus of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Columbia University of New York City,USA. He posses extensive experience in the field of counseling. He worked with many organizations, Government departments as a behavioral consultant and trainer. He has been serving as a resource person, mentor and master trainer to train counselors in various States. He regularly writes blogs, articles, book reviews and papers. Currently, he is working with International Non-for-profit organization and providing counseling services.
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Mr. Prathamesh is a Certified Career Consultant by Psytech International (bps) UK and is also a Certified Trainer for Life Skills; he is pursuing Narrative Therapy from Adelaide, Australia. He has been in to career counseling for more than 8 years now he practices MINDFULNESS psychotherapy with students. He possesses vast experience in teaching and career counseling. Currently he is associated with FUEL NGO. He had counseled over laces of students and is a founder director of Canvas Career Consultancy, committed to conduct Psychometric assessments for students and do career counseling by making them aware about new career avenues
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