Dips Pangam

Shall we see saturation of jobs in Agricultural Engineer in the next few years?

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by Dips Pangam
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RE: Shall we see saturation of jobs in Agricultural Engineer in the next few years?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

Ample opportunities for employment are available for agriculture engineers in public and private sector.Agriculture engineering is concerned ith solving engineering problems of providing food and fiber for the people of the world. These problems include designing improved tools to work the soil and harvest the crops as well as developing water supplies for agriculture and systems for irrigating and draining the land where necessary. Jobs can be found in manufacturing companies, water resource management , forestry , food processing, rural development etc. Agriculture engineers can work with NGO's on various projects and schemes. Jobs are available in :-

Public sector

State department of agriculture recruits agriculture engineers as agricultural officers ( AO) in the development of agriculture in district.
Agriculture extension officers in district and tehsil public boards
food inspector in state and central department of food & drug ministry
Teaching and research in agricultural university

Laboratories like Indian council for agriculture research

Private Sector

Agriculture cooperatives
Agriculture equipment manufacturing units
fertilizers and irrigation companies
farming companies
service organizations

The income of agriculture engineer to begin with could be between Rs.12000/- Rs. 15000/-

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