
Sahil Sharma

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Agricultural Engineer?

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by Sahil Sharma
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Agricultural Engineer?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

Hello Dear,

Thanks for approaching us at CareerGuide.com!!!

Agriculture engineering is basically concerned with the solving various problems related with farm mechanization, productivity and development. It is a discipline concerned with solving the engineering problems of providing food and fibre for people of the world. These problems include designing improved tools to work the soil and harvest the crops as well as developing water supplies for agriculture and systems for irrigating and draining the land where necessary. They design farmsteads in which to house animals or store grains. They also work on problems of processing, packaging, transporting and distributing the food and fiber products. Agriculture engineering combines the disciplines of mechanical,civil, electrical and chemical engineering with a basic understanding of biological sciences and agricultural practices.

If one opts for agricultural engineering , she/ he needs to qualify the 12th examination with physics, chemistry and mathematics. The admission to B.Tech programme test is though an entrance test i.e JEEmain. The duration of the course isfour years. Diploma courses are also available for agriculture engineering. Duration of diploma course is 2-3 years. For admission to ME/ MTechprogrammes in agriculture engineering one has to clear the graduate aptitude test in engineering . PhD courses are available in IIT(Indian Institute of Tchnology) and Indian Agricultural Research Institute , New Delhi.

Agriculture engineers have bright prospects. They have many options such as :-

State department of agriculture recruits agriculture engineers as agricultural officers for the development of agriculture in state.
Design engineer in irrigation industries like Jain irrigation, premier irrigation etc.
Processing engineer in seed industries like sygenta, mahabeej, nath seeds and many more
Food inspector in state and centraldepartment of food and drug ministry
Agriculture extension officer in district
Teaching in agricultural university

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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Agricultural Engineer?

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Dear Aspirant,

Eligibility is 10+2 with PCB and then appear for Entrance Test of Agricultural College.

Best wishes!

RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Agricultural Engineer?

Rick Tower
Rick Tower

This perspective provides a refreshing take on a well-discussed issue. Nicely framed. 770.osttopstfreeware


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