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As payment for career counseling is collected from students by CareerGuide - how revenue share happens between CareerGuide and Career Counsellors ?
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Career Counselors can see their statistics on no. of telephonic session and other details related to payment on dashboard
- CareerGuide collects verified/panelled career counselors - PAN Card details, Service Tax No. and Address for payment to be made.
- CareerGuide charges a fixed price for career counselling services from students. Pricing can be seen here:
- Pricing includes cost of counsellor's revenue share, psychometric career assessment, telephone charges, transaction charges and service tax.**
- As part of counsellor's revenue share we give Rs.3.25/ minute to career counselor i.e for a 60 minute session counselor's share is Rs.195.
- CareerGuide also becomes a channel for career counsellors to earn more on their career counselling practice - by spending as low as 20 hours a week they have potential to add Five digits more to their existing earnings.
- We can give volumes as high as a career counselor can handle - and in past we have seen many career counsellors earning additional as high as 40,000/month through CareerGuide channel.
- We issue check by first week of every month. The check details can be seen on the dashboard itself.
- By taking telephonic counselling through CareerGuide - career counsellor's can increase their reach - beyond their regular practise/ their regular counsellor's job.
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