
Namrata Jewargi

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Chef?

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by Namrata Jewargi
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Chef?

Deepak Rana
Deepak Rana
Verified Career Expert
Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds
  • Kangra

You can become a Chef by a number of paths.

One of the most preferred and valuable path is to pursue a course in hotel management after class 12. These are three years courses and have many benefits such as campus placements, good education base to do Masters such as MBA etc. It is a good option where you learn a lot about the hotel industry and at the same time you get your Bachelors done. Eligibility criteria for that is as below:

  • Minimum of 60% aggregate marks in 12 standard.
  • You must appear for a two-hour entrance exam comprising English, Reasoning, General Science and General Knowledge.
  • The exam is held in April/ May and the academic sessions usually start by July/ August every year.
Below is the list of the top colleges for hotel management in India:

The number of seats vary college to college and therefore you should start doing your research about which college you want to get in to.

The other path to become a Chef is by joining a Foodcraft Institute after class 10 or class 12. The courses are generally 6-18 months long.One can join a hotel at a junior level after such a course and reach a supervisory level in about six to seven years. This is a quicker option and is apt for those who are absolutely focused on becoming a chef and do not want to dabble in other fields of hotel management at all.

RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Chef?

Rajesh Gupta
Rajesh Gupta

There are many courses being offered by various boards, councils, and universities in culinary arts which lead to a chef career.In Culinary Academy of India we offer Bachelor's Degree in Catering Technology & Culinary Arts with affiliation to Osmania University and we are the pioneers in Culinary Arts education in India and offering this course since 1996. Don't get confused as there's lot of wrong information on the net about becoming a chef. Most sites tell you that you can join Hotel Management course.But it's not correct anymore as now India has Culinary Arts colleges and these colleges churn out the future chefs for the industry.
Chef Rajesh
Chef Instructor
Culinary Academy of India

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