
Sahil Sharma

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Investment Analyst?

Can you clarify this

by Sahil Sharma
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Investment Analyst?

Alok Agrawal
Alok Agrawal
Verified Career Expert
Mananger at Etoe Group/Career Counselor
  • Bangalore


Investment analyst is a person who needs to do a lot of research about the economic and financial situations prevailing and lay down a proper investment plan for a company or individual for his/ their investment needs and requirements which in return will help them to take better decisions to invest their funds.

To be investment analyst what are the eligibility criteria are mentioned below.
The minimum requirement to have a career in investment analyst job isbachelorsdegree, some even give morepreferenceto those who arehaving masters degree, and even some employers prefer those who are having a professional certification and license in the field.

Bachelor's degree: To work as an Investment analyst, at least you need to have a bachelors degree in finance or relevant area. some related streams and courses needs to be selected in bachelors degree
to pursue career in the same filed. You can apply for lot many jobs in the same filed with this degree

Master's Degree: Though graduate degree is enough for some jobs but many employers prefer a masters degree on the same subject to hire you. It can be master in finance degree or MBA in finance- master of business administration in finance degree which provides a two year full time course in the finance which will give you a complete and advance knowledge in the subject. Focus on your subject specifically will lead you ahead in the same field.

Certification Course: Some employers prefer certified and licensed persons to work with as investment analyst. For getting a certificate and license we have courses like CFA- Chartered financial analyst, which is a degree program also., after that you need to pass three examinations which need two to five years to complete but for that four years of financial experience is also required.

License: Those who are involved in legal things are more likely to need a license. License issued by Financial Industry Regulatory authority. License vary with different different purpose.

Hope all above explanations and details answered your query about the eligibility in investment analysis filed and work.
Now you have better idea about what you need to do to enhance your resume and scope of your work to get selected in any job vacancy.

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