
Sahil Sharma

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Writer?

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by Sahil Sharma
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Writer?

Deepak Rana
Deepak Rana
Verified Career Expert
Author: Sky Beyond the Clouds
  • Kangra

Please read below to understand the eligibility criteria to become a writer:

  • If you want to write independently - may be a book, script or anything else, there is no compulsion on you in terms of education and certification as long as you are doing your job well.
  • You need to have command over the written skills and should be familiar with the language.
  • You need to have the understanding of words, phrases, syntax and grammar.
  • If you want to become a technical writer, you need to have technical knowledge about a particular area and should be able to explain the complex technicalities with great simplicity.
  • If you are looking to go in to journalism or media, you need to have a degree or certification in Mass Communication, or Journalism to join any news or media agency.
  • If you want to become a content writer, your writing skills will be the top concern. However, if you have eduaction background in Mass Communication, you will be given preference.
  • If you have enough experience to show in your resume or enough work to display in your portfolio, your education background won't matter much and you will be judged on the basis of your work only.
  • More than any formal degree or certifications, it's the skills that matter in this profession. Work a lot to develop those skills, the competition can come from anywhere.

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