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If you’re pursuing a B.Com (Hons) and are interested in specializing in international business law, there are several steps you can take to align your studies and career aspirations. Start by ensuring that your current coursework includes relevant subjects such as international business law, international trade law, and cross-border legal issues. Supplement your education with additional courses or certifications if these are not available within your program. Professional certifications like the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Quantum Computing Breakthroughs or a
B.Com. is having all the routine commerce subjects like Accounts, Finance, Economics, Stats, Business Management etc. In BBA, this "Business Management" subject would take the front seat and rest subject would be covered along with Marketing, IT, Finance, HR, Operations etc. B.Com. + MBA is better than BBA + MBA. Best wishes, Himanshu
Thanks for your introduction. Best of luck!
Retro Bowl 25 combines nostalgic graphics with innovative mechanics, creating a unique football experience that appeals to all ages!/
after Compete Graduation in RBI Grade B is the Best Government Exam to Get Banking job. if you Get More Information about the RBI Grade B Exam Click here to Check Complete information about the RBI Grade B Salary, Syllabus, and How to Crack RBI Grade B Exam
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
16 yrs across 6 sectors (Wellness, Retail, Supply Chain, Financial Services, Education)
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Director at SevenSeers Consulting
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