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Enrol for a certification course with School of Investment Banking or Imarticus Learning. They assist with placements and have a good placement record.
Let me brief you about Investment banks first. Investment banking is divided into three broad areas, the front office, the middle office, and the back office. The front office comprises the client facing roles like traders, mergers and acquisition analysts, underwriters etc. The middle office consists of research and risk management roles like equity research analysts, risk managers etc. The back office recruits employees for support roles who take up tasks like clearing and settlement processes, bookkeeping etc. Now for you, if you are a graduate in finance (B.Com, BBA, BMS etc.), then you ca
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
16 yrs across 6 sectors (Wellness, Retail, Supply Chain, Financial Services, Education)
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Director at SevenSeers Consulting
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